Tulsi Gabbard bashes left-wing celebrities and Padshmi Laksha for attacking and lying on Kyle Rittenhouse

Andy Cruz

  Padma Lakshmi is a part of the celebrity class and is very well rewarded by he globalist mainly because she is an Indian and promotes and pushes the socialist agenda along with bad Indian food. Padma Lakshimi generates much live form the leftist woke media loving this Injunin and her food talk and this woman is like royalty to the American media as this Indian woman is anywhere and everywhere  and her celebrity status is suspect. I have long stated the only reason Padma Lakshmi is a celebrity  is because of he Indian ethnicity and she came out and give she political expression

and opinion hoping to influence so many people through this wicked witch from ahhhh India and he celebrity status . This could explain why this evil Indian woman blasted Kyle Rittenhouse and his troll and eventual verdict because Padma is a hack for global banksters and the elite privileged one percent connected crony corrupt global class . Former presidential candidate and Governor of

Haawaii Tulsi Gabbard blasted the celebrity class for their lies and continued attempt to interfere and tarnish Antioch., Illinois native and recently vindicated in  a court of law Kyle Rittenhouse and Ms Gabbard particularly hit hard at this lying Injunin Padma Lakshimi

This celebrity chef Indian  slut gets dinkied by Black men often and obviously she is swayed by this and as a lying celebrity and member of athe over-paid celebrity member to express her left-wing political opinion on all sorts of subjects and controversies she has no reason to be meddling given her privileged celebrity  status. Tulsi Gabbard eviscerated these ANTIFA  loving left-wing celebrities and politicians in defending Kyle Rittenhouse form the wicked Hollywood crowd and Gabbard called out and blasted this bitch Padmas challenging her to a fight in a MMA ring.

Padma is a elitist and a snob Hollywood scumbag fashionista over-paid by the global corporate medi and pushes fast fashion and is elated by the slave sweat shops of the clothing industry and this maniac woman was dumb and wrong for commentating on Kyle Rittenhouse trail and verdict. This woman should be criticized for her elitism and wealth shoving brand and personalty and it was great to see Tulsi Gabbard call out this crazed globalist Indian woman.

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