Stacy Abrams audition to be the next Darth Vader on Star Trek

   Ed West

   Stacy Abrams is this wicked fat Democrat who desperately  wants a major political office and now she has her eyes set on a bigger moneymaker in the world of acting. The cult of Stacy Abrams is disturbing and just plain stupid and explainable as this widewoman has the appeal and personality of a turtle and who or how this fat mouth keeps getting promoted as a viable political candidate mystifies many and we have stated her ascendancy  in major politics is a undemocratic funded troll on this

country. Stacy Adams is a woke and beloved by the woke population in this country who see this woman and behold a hold of a cult like following for this untalented  and brain dead socialist. The woke producers and directing class on the latest lame Star Trek program franchise decided that Stacy Abram was deserving of a speaking role and put her in the seasonal finale of this shit show and a shit show is what failed Georgia fat ass candidate Stacy Abraham provided the cast and the crew of Star Trek taking the place of a job or a more talented and deserving actor or actress.

Stacy Abrams is a fat ass libtard like no other and her appearance in Star Trek exemplified the woke culture of this program and angered many people wondering why the producers of this rotten program would politicize a episode and allow this monster on their program. even the real committed Star Nerds of this program were dismayed at seeing the Georgia beast who should not even be president of Popeye's Chicken yet alone play a role of being president If earth which  is obscene and totally ridiculous and typical of the libshit running much of the programming in this country. Stacy Abraham is so elated at this role she is now thinking of doing more stuff in the industry of entertainment and Stacy Abrams is thinking of getting into comedy. 

 but the ultimate role she wants is the role of Darth Vader when the remake of Star Wars comes out in a few years and this is a role she is practicing and hoping the role on Star Trek fast treks her way into George Lucus famous franchise in Space which given his money and power has pretty much shut down any other space stories a visionary movies form ever be produced.

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