Alex Mousolopoupolous
The walls are closing in on the fat corrupt gangster Governor of Illinois and he is desperate to do whatever he can to smear and attack his Republican rivals who are out to get his fat billionaire ass out of office in the state of Illinois. JB Hogg unusual request that his Republican candidates meet and talk more to the press which acfording to this gangster era thirties era looking jackass wants the voters of Illinois to see and hear more. JB Pfritzker actually wants to use the media to ask tough questions and to frustrate these Republican candidates which Prtizker is particularly worried about former NFL standout Richard Irvin whom the pig Pritzker wants the media to really go after and harass. So far the Republican candidates seem to be avoiding direct interviews with these media outlets and the Democrats ( Who control most of the media) is not having any of if t and are demanding more access to the five

Republicans currently set to challenge and run in a primary to see who will be victorious and take on this fat monster awful corrupt bastard JB Protzker. The Illinois governor is a pig hose character and loud mouth who thinks because he has so much money he is deserving o political office and this Democratic state is so corrupt this fat belly mother fucker just waltz in with no political experience and got his fat ass elected and the patriots and Lincolnites of Illinois must take s stand up against the billionaires. a stand against tyrants, a stand against corruption, and a stand up against this tyrannical madman Bugsy Malone type

gangster and nothing best illustrates the gangerism taking over politics than this meat head as Governor of Illinois as this man should not be in politics and should be seen as the monopoly man hotel heiress born with a silver fat spoon clown that he is and any Republican is preferable than this jerk. JB Pritzker is a pig and a half typical censorshipping Democrat calls any opponent as a racist,misogynist, sexiest and this fat man should be dropped off to the gates of hell with a heart breaking attack within his lard ass and the man likely wouldn't get entrance as there would be no room for this assholes fat ass.We don't believe fattie will be around much longer and no amount of money can save this scumbag and the unhealthy Big mac eating Sullivan steak house eating lifestyle that he has enjoyed for way too long. JB is a Jd Hogg type character corrupt and neurotic to the bone no doubt

about it and this Hyatt Hotel heiress needs to be voted out and immediate prosecuted and face crimes of high treason and put on a prison weight watchers program and a diet of bread and water.