Baba Pugwuthi
Krystal Ball is this internet lunatic lefties who has the body of a transvestite who works out hard at the gym and she recently got humiliated and embarrassed with her stupidity and far left-wing cries and baby steps in support for undemocratic socialism on the Bill Maher program. Many leftest 'annalists' on YouTube though are infacuated with Krystal Ball including dipshits like Kyle Kulinski and the Canadian polticla meddler of American politics in the dipshit known as David Doel. Mr Doel praised Crystal Ball and praised her for humiliating Bill Maher and his conservative gay homosexual host when from all indicatiosn it was the other way around, David Doel though is thinking with his little dick and with this little dick he hopes to get the attention of Crystal Ball with his positive praise and outlook of this
appearance of her son the Bill Maher program whcih was a total disaster. ball is angered that Wall Street interests and people got funds following the Covid induced crash that was caused by a unnecessary lock down and response by Blue cities and states on top corporations and apparently Ball forgot what caused the crash and he;l yes the government should bail out these rich people as she called them as they provide millions and millions of jobs for people to earn a living alive. In Crystal Ball's world people don't work and get meager handouts and live a horrendous substandard existence relying on a one party state
government without free markets and capitalism. Only the extrmists like this idiot who calls himself the rational national would think this was a good appearance and Krystal Ball looked good when in fact she just showed Maher's huge audience that she over talks people and continues to push the lie that massive government spending doesn't cause inflation and this crazed Black widow is a sycophant for Joe Biden and the Democratic party angered that capitalism exists and people toil for the fruits of others who start business and thus in far lefties views are undeserving of incomes through the work of others who attend and recieve paychecks they would otherwise not receive.

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