Troy York
The sickness of the Democratic undemocratic Communism bastards in congress and senate working hard to destroy any and all political opposition is one of the most direct threats against our freedoms and democracy that this nation has ever seen and they along with their media represent a danger to our freedoms. with this in mind Russel Brand has been doing many good videos questioning the decision of this unhinged desperate power evil political party and why they and the media are spending so much money on this theater and political grandstanding if for no other further evidence to have a constant
t political hit piece for the nest two years. Hundreds of patriots have been arrested for the crime of protesting at the hallow grounds of the capital and Russel Brand can't believe that the polticla class has been allowed to represent the capital as sacred grounds of our democracy when in fact our democracy has failed for generations to improve and work for the average citizen. The democracy that screwballs
like Nasty Pelosi and Hillary Bill Clinton say is under attack is the same democracy that favors the rich and allows massive wealth inequality and wealthy foreigners to come and " Invest' in our country basiclaly colonizing it for themselves and their families of corrupt globalists hiding under the category as " immigrants'. What the Democrats fail to realize is that the reason there was a capital protest is because of the suppression of votes and the power of the individual as Democrats worked hard to give certain groups the ability to vote more than once and ballot harvested and found shenanigans to obviously steal the election of 2020 with a concentrated campaign of voter theft on orders and in support of the global economic forums that fund the Democratic party and desire for the Democrats to overturn Trump's trade actions and bring about more of the usual one sided trade gains for the global elites of other countries, lands, and stans that have corrupted our media and Democratic
politicians. as Russel brand says the capital is not hallow grounds but shallow grounds of our corrupt Democratic leadership and ruling classes that disdain the average citizen and doing everything in their power to weaken their economic position and have failed us through decades of inept rule. brand called for the freedom and pardon of Jacob Angeli and other proud Americans who decided to to to these shallow grounds and confront the treasonous poisonous politicians right in their face.
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