Roman Balmkova blasts the evil of Klaus Schwab


   Alex Mousolopoolouous 

       Roman Balmkova blasted the globalists and one of their head honcho Klaus Schwab and as this man and others are waging terrorist warfare and redistribution of capitalists  to authoritarian outlets such as china and Saudi Arabia because for the sick 1% elites authoritarian rule is preferable in keeping their wealth hoarding and expensive cars and lifestyle. Balmkova blasted Klauss Schwabb in a recent video and as a often critic of the global New World Order and it preference for rewarding the CCP in china and fir this country to be a powerhouse is deserving of more critique and attack.

Klass Schwab is a villain like no other one of the most powerful and dictatorial evil bastards imaginable ad ad head of the World economic Forum he works hard to achieving wealth and economic success for the crazed states like Saudi Arabia and China and this is where the loyalty of this German maniac exists along with many other people in the Brussels and Zurich, Switzerland land spaces who one their own personal fortunes and wealth to this conspiracy .

  Romam Balmkova played the nine most dystopia attempts  of the World Economic Forum and Klass Schwabb and how this bald maniac wants a one world government and sees various governments based in national identity as the problem and

something that must be erased. Only a good globalist like this bald sack of shit Klass Schwab would be so openly advocating of such nonsense and Balmkova called this idiot out as the Dr Evil of our generation. Balmkova went on to mention the numerous technological control gadgets coming  out with the full support of the WEF is further proof of this organization attempting to find news ways to infiltrate the human body with technology giving real time access to this individual for the technocrats and this

vision is straight out of a dystopia nightmare and we have this bald maniac to thank for this intense attack on our bodies. Balmkova also pints out how supportive the World Economic Forum was for lock downs and how much they disdain capitalism as they long desired to do a great reset where business they deem not allied with their interests can be destroyed and like-minded individuals stat anew and become new capitalists  and controllers of the global economies and industry in our country and others.  Batman and Roman will go after King Klass and his evil world economic Forum that also is

working hard to squelling free speech of those who oppose them using the power of social media and the technocracy to any group or individuals who seek to criticize their attempts to keep the worlds wealth in the hands of the upper one and two percent while installing a demand that everyone else will one and have nothing and be happy or else. Klass Schwab and the World Economic Forum are pure wicked and evil and people don't realize the financial woes of theirs can be traced to this maniac fuck job and old head Klass Schwab who by some accounts as killed more people than Adolf Hitler with his policies and actions in the past. 

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