Jimmy Kimmel and seven staff members arrested for breaching the capital and pressure mounts for answers from scumbag Adam Schiff

    Marv Garvey

  The shit bag late night television host known as Stephan Colbert is kin some serious trouble as he w]sen t a staff of seen producers and writers to breach the capital likely to break into the offices of prominent Republicans including our beloved Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley. The arrests of these seven writers is a major scandal and should be the downfall of  Adam Schiff and some other easily forgotten Democrat politician who allow these member access to the grounds of the capital and essentially repeat the same crimes as those accused and serving losing time for January 6th.

In addition Mr Colbert should not only lose his late night propaganda program for this breech and crime but he should be charged as well as this idiot was fully  aware of the crimes and possibility repercussions for allowing such writers to storm the capital since he has not stopped talking about the January the protesters since the incident and media hyped fake insurrection.  Adam Schiff is a scumbag and he is personally responsible for this breach of bad propagandist comedians whose intentions against the offices of Republican Jordan and Hawley were nefarious and it appeared they actually tried to break in and seal valuable material and search for evidence for the January 6th charade. Thus far only FOX news sis deciding to carry this information and basiclaly Adam Schiff and this other congressman ahhh Oskeroffberger or whatever should be charged with a crime and kicked out of congress. Adam Kinzinger is a scumbag and needs to resign from congress.

form congress as the man is a habitual liar and a direct danger and threat to our democracy. Stephan Colbert must be arrested and forced to resign his program and the seven staff members who entered the chambers need to be given equal sentences to the concocted insurrection of January 6th as this us the biggest crime since Watergate and very similar crime back int he day that brought down the Nixon administration. We are calling for the explosion of Adam Schiff and a major criminal investigation in his actions in allowing the Colbert team to invade the personal space and attempt to break in the offices of Jim Jordan and we are calling for CBS to fire Stephan Colbert.

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