Revelation News radio hosts Tim Kilkenny and Andrew Hoffman bash the ass of ESPN woke mobster " fake" sport journalist Sarah Spain

 Clark Kramer

  Make no mistake  any news source or person says ESPN 's Sarah Spain or Jemelle Hill are " journalists' they are lying their ass off as these two radical are cultural activists and extremists with both Spain and Hill being extrmists and leftists activist sunder the lie and pretense of being sports journalists and these tow bitches represent all that is wrong with sports and coverage from the network of ABC owned ESPN Without a doubt ABC news doesn't get enough coverage for the anti-American  globalist propagandist news source that it has degenerated into and this explains their often hatred and fearful smearing coverage of former president Trump and his supporters. Revelations radio news host Tim Kilkenny and Andrew Hoffman eviscerate this silly goose ESPN broadcaster in a recent program and the last thing I imagined the Revelation dudes would bash the big breasted  ass of sports whore journalist Sarah so-pain who is

both a bimbo and a dipshit. Sarah Spain likely blew and slept her way to her cushy ESPN position and annalist gig and this woman is also likely only in this position because of her extremist left-wing progressive political viewpoint. Sarah Spain called out these Christian Players on the Devil rays because this woman is part devil and is working so hard to attack Christian White males whenever she can she is so blinded by her black Heart . Kilkenny and Hoffman said ESPN is a money in sports broadcast and has degenerated into Colin Kapernik scum broadcast because of the likes of George Soros and other

international sources of money manipulation have found their way into this production. Andrew Hoffman said this botch Sarah Spain hates Christians and she was a triggered bitch angered that several Tampa Bay devil Fish players decided not to wear the Rainbow live globalist symbol and the rainbow patch for this month of June which the woke trollsters shove and use corporations to push this disgusting decedent 

perverted sexually confused and demonic lifestyle. Sarah Spain is a whore and a half and she made news some years back as she was seen leaving a hotel after spending the night in a room with both Mr T and Ronnie " woo woo' Wickers ' and this liberal bitch has no values and would sleep with anything given the right price. The Revelation Radio News dudes blasted this fake sports journalist and called her out for the anti-Christian and anti- conservative wicked witch from Chicago and Spain that she is in life.
Sarah Spain is the one filed with hate and she should be confronted by Christian groups for her bigoted comments that the Christian players who disagree with Rainbow nation are the bigots as they just rejected  this effort by MLB and the Tamp Bay Bays to use the players for the prop and left wing lunatics in society desiring to have their values and faiths be unchallenged while they are free to consistency attack those who believe in God and hold traditional beleifs and the Sarah Spain's are working n making Christians the new boogy men and homosexuals in society as some sort of twisted reverse oppression that she lesbians and gaywads feel like they were enduring for decades because television didn't have gay characters in the eighties. 

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