Lincoln Kennedy
A worthless welfare and disabled permanent fixture outside a Queens Bodega annoyed many in the community bugging people for money and smokes and he is no more as this past week Milton Storch was torched by a car following a fight between some black females who were arguing whether Sawteetie or Latto was a better twerker. Fifty nine year old Milton Sorch or Swerch or whatever was a disable wheel chain man who didn't get the fuck out of the way and was laughing and amusing himself as he watched the freak fight and
little did he know in this video we re-watched over and over that this would be none of the last sights Mr ..ahh give me a second... Storch Mr Storch who likely suffered form diabetes shouldn't walk would soon get plowed bu this car, It appears one if the black women wanted to run over one of the others who pus her in her nogger but she didn't get the Negro instead they got this loser who for some reason decided to sit and park his wheel chair outside this Queens Bodegpo called the Rohan Deli which incidentally makes a hell of a Reuben sandwich from what we here. Milton was slow to get out of the way and he should of wheeled himself out of there as he saw this ghetto fight escalate nor did he try to intervene and calm and simmer the situation down as Queens and Brooklyn are filled with these people who like to see and witness confrontation instead of bringing them to and end and this often contributes to the urban decay and crisis we see ion this country.

Milton Sorrch was a zero and a loser a old disabled man who ventured out and watched people his brain lost to the father time and he didn't know where he was and likely didn't know what hit him and this guys loss will not be missed by many in this Queens community and had to walk and smell him on a daily basis as his urinal bladder bag was often drenched out ion the sidewalk and this guy sounded and was similar to manner to the infamous Milton from the movie Office Space and I'm surprised some ahhh didn't wheel this (NPC) off the expressway ramp as Milton
might have been a neighborhood snitch and these guys get stitches always watching what is going on outside the Rohan Deli often reporting to the boys of Blue for a cigarette or two and maybe this man was targeted. Who knows. Kristan Harris and Mike Pacsesky or Pacsezny or something came on their award winning pirate radio station in Mil-town and their vlog to humor and gaggled about this story. Kristan said nobody named Milton contributors to society or is a cool person and they ridiculed and mocked the name Milton saying like Adolf it should be retired in naming vocabulary archives forever and ever as this name is a fucking joke which our own Milton Wiener writer would agree with forever hating his parents for giving it as he would say its more humiliating than his last name. . . ye oral of this story is do not hang outside all day smoking cigarettes drinking coffee asking for money outside a sketchy bodega in a sketchy urban hood neighborhood like this clown. Milton Sorch or Sporch dead at the age of 63.