Arthur "King" Eaton
Dan Bongini in the past week eviscerated the fat ass McDonald grimace ass of Pennsylvanian senate candidate and fake populait man of the people in fat ass John Fetterman. Bongino stated the media complicity is not pointing out how this lard ass was funded by hos parents and is the son of wealthy parents who subsidized this goofy daw clown and his past govenrment position and polticla races and that Fetterman is one of the fakest politicians and scum in politics pretending to be this working class individual in a hoodie and who eats 6 cheese burgers a day when in fact the man is in the position he is in because his parents funded his large frame to become mayor and eventually run for higher office.
Dan Bongino blasted the so-called blue collar background of this clown humpty dumpty jackass as his parents had him on allowance and gave him thousands and thousands of dollars well into his mid forties and John Fetterman is likely another career politician who never really had a job and is in the position he is because of his parents. John Fetterman is a fake and this was the point that Dan Bongino hammered over and over again reminding the people this fat stroke induced three hundred pound hoodie homeless looking jackass never was a construction worker likely never touched a tool or hammer before in his life .
Fetterman was given a monthly stipend of 50 grand a month while this fake ass populist was mayor of some shit hole called Braddock and this was made mention form Memhat Oz's campaign who has brilliantly trolled and run a great campaign against fatty despite the lies of the polticla left and the mainstream media with their fake polls and trolling against Oz in a vicious campaign which the Uncle Fester bedridden and stroke suffering John Fetterman has not campaigned one iota. John Fetterman is months away form death the man is morbidly and horribly obese unhelathy ugly thug as fuck and the man should of dropped out of the race following his near fatal stroke and this man will not represent Pennsylvanian in the senate as other swill make the decisions and the people of Pennsylvania need s reject this Bernie Sanders like asshole. Much like Mark Zuckernerd at Facebook John Fetterman would not call the shots and his foreign born user and political manipulator of a wife and her friends likely would govern and represent the global vision much more than represent the people of Pennsylvania.
Dr Wilmont Oz came on the Laura Ingram show and continued the attack on Uncle Fester and he told his supporters and conservatives and Republicans do not be swayed by these voter suppression polls that the Democratic media and supporters keep funding that there are no election until November and lays of claims of one candidate being ahead of another months before a elections serve no purpose aside form suppression the vote of the candidate supposedly behind and again we have long declared polling should be illegal and that announcing of polls are indeed meant to sway voting numbers and keep people at home John Fetterman is a joke live doff his wealth parents as mayor of Bradrock or Bradcock or whatever in Pennsylvania and received a huge stipend for his belly from mommy and daddy to be this polticla thug form some small inconsequential town in Pennsylvania.
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