Nathan Stopleman concerned as Alex Jones has judgment against him and that he may be next and forced to answer questions about his cat

    Neil Knight

     Make no mistake for Lift the Veil's Nathan Stopleman there is much concern that the forces going after Alex Jones and making him tell the truth and speak in front of a court may go after other individuals they consider a conspiracy theorist and this includes himself. While Nathan is a less more recognizable name the topics and discussions this man has had with accusations of government and top business involvement in child sex trafficking puts him in the same crossfires of Alex Jones as Mr Stopleman and his pet cat Doshi often speak the same topics and issues of a Alex Jones and Mr Stopleman predicted that they may come after him and that they likely killed his cat Doshi I as his Siamese cat disappeared and the internet was a blaze that Nathan Stopleman had something to do with the death of his believed per and background prop in his videos dating back to 2014. 

 Stopoelman knows that the same charges being leveled illegally by the deep state and lunatic free speech suppression Democrats and their global financiers may come after him and the Alex Jones trial has implication for thousands of independent American internet voices and free thinkers such as himself whose ability to speak freely without restriction is now under threat given the power and evil of the Democratic  demons controlling this country and allowing open border and actual invasion of this country with peons and failed socialists fork other countries such as Indian and rest of Latin america. 
 Nathan is concerned about the Alex Jones trial and he stated they will come after all the big time thinkers and thought provokers like himself one day and they are starting at the top using the big lie and the fear monger of January 16 to go after the top king of the resistance to the global corruption racket that has overtaken our government and many others and this is not an issue about left vs right but of the growing bankster authoritarianism and their control of speech in a power grab and attempt to silence their critics such as Alex Jones and others. 
Nathan says the smear campaign  against Mr Jones and people like him whom Nathan put himself on almost the same level and platform is a desperate attempt  for the Covid controllers and left-winger sin society to quell dissent to their utopia vision and debt crushing tactics on our economy as they work harder and harder to make slaves out of society and giving more to the milktose lying industries of the health fascist industry that do little about improving peoples health and as in Cuba are more concerned abot controlling the population and use 
 First they came for Nathan Stopleman's cat. They came for Alex Jones. They will eventually get around to Nathan Stopleman and his program with 27K subscribers and the Lift The Veil conspiracy program may soon be kaput and Stopleman before a court of law to answer questions to what really happened to his Siamese cat Doshi.

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