Arnold Armstrong
Patrick Henningsen of the Sunday wire is this weird Alex Jones type both British and American podcaster conspiracy theorist who often does a five hour marathon of podcast extreme with usually the same two guests. Patrick Henninsen predicted that in now way o earth would Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan and the often pro-Russian pod caster and angered on-line source of misinformation turned his attention to giving pro-Chinese propaganda and the amount of Chinese and Russian propaganda and support this dillweed gives in support for the illegal monstrous war Vladimir Putin has conducted not seen since the days of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. There is no doubt that Vladimir Putin inspires to be these genocidal
killers and the fact that this Sunday Wire podcaster would be so openly and supportive of the mass murder and bombardment of the Russians on the civilians in Ukraine and then try to Blame American and Western leaders for this war. Patrick Henningsen head is so washed with Russian propaganda and anti-American and anti British rhetoric one must think this man is a fucking Russian and was born in the era of the hammer and sickle and for this podcaster media personality to be so open for the support of this illegal and destructive war of conquests clearly points that this man has his checks signed by the
Kremlin and he is a dear and personal friend of Vladamir Putin and thus he chooses to make no mention of the war crimes and mass graves of Ukrainians on orders form this lunatic dictator. Perhaps Patrick Henningsen is planning on moving to Russia someday and he hopes for a minister government post or whatever when his Sunday wire gig comes to an end or something The fact is despite Saint Patrick's prediction and guarantee of Americana officials being chickenshit Nancy Pelosi and a delegation did indeed visit Taiwan and thumbed their noses to this psychotic state run by a mass killer madman who has put millions and millions of Uighyers in concentration camps and again this pro-Chinese fuck face Patrick Henningsen says nada about the human destruction and abuse caused by this maniac Jinping Xi Orange pie face
dictator and "leader" of China and the evil CCP. Nancy made her rock star tour hiding her beautiful old crow face under three masks and she told Malaysian prime minster Neowalya Kuan that Malaysia must change their flag as it looks too dam similar almost identical to the American flag and unless Malaysia wants to be the 51 first fucking state they need to go to the redesign department.
Nasty Nancy Pelosi showed the Patrick Henningsen that America is not scared of the Winnie the Pooh dictator and is not scared of China and we would be willing to go to World War III to protect the integrity of Taiwan and all of our Asian allies much to the dismay of this authoritarian creep silly goose bastard Patrick Henningse. Patrick Henningsen is a pro Russian war monger and creep and in addition he is a dumbass.
who for now is allowed to broadcast nut a warnign to Pat is that once and if World war III or any major war with Rissian and VChian breka out his voice and opiniis will not be tolerated and noth the Brotish intellegence and CIA would stop hios bnroadcasts and this man will be internned in apolticla prison cmap eating a noce comobtion of rice and maggots for however long the war goes on and he will be tried ad serve a legthy sentance.
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