The punk and The Hicks Scott Horton has Colonel Douglass MacGregor on for the fifth time of July to propagandize about Pro Russia and he considers running for president in 2024

     Lincoln Kennedy

   The propaganda's Left Coast media personality known as Scott Horton is seriously considering a presidential run in 2024 under the anti-war party. Scott Horton is among the biggest voices that is against War and this man would allow Russia and China to conquer every country and continent including Antarctica just to keep us out of War Scott Horton had the lieutenant colonel Norman MacGregor for like the fifth time this summer to propagandize and make ridiculous claims of pro-Russia viewpoints in the Ukraine war. The Russian military continues it's atrocities against Ukrainian people but for retired lieutenant colonel and disgraceful US military member Norman McDonald and the punk hit radio host speaker Scott Horton the Russians the Americans are at fault of this war and Russia is just reacting to our foreign policy by its illegal and illegitimate Invasion conquering bombing man Mass

Slaughter of the Ukrainians the sickness of the pro-Russian propagandists such as this failed General disgraceful Colonel of the US military continuing to support the dictatorship and mass killer of Vladimir Putin is disgraceful. The punk writer and web designer of a Scott Horton went to Austin Brewing Company and announced his intentions to seek the presidency of the United States in Austin, Texas before twenty drunks who didn't know who he is or what he represents and gave a bog cheer and later Horton got drunk like a skunk and woke up the next day in a downtown Austin alley unable to remember what he had done and noticed his anus burned like a Texas summer afternoon. One can expect a bum and a hick like Scott Horton and being pro-Russia with his various anti-American views of it anyone who is listening to his 15,000 past programs on the internet can attest but for a retired us colonel to continue to go on the media and get the acclaim of the anti-war left defending Russian is utterly reprehensible as for the punk hick radio host Scott Horton he is asked the lieutenant colonel to be his running mate as Scott Horton once again makes claims and acts as he

will run for president and his legitimate shot which is absolutely Ludicrous Scott Horton has a better chance of becoming a rapper like Ludicrous then getting one half of 1% volts at the upcoming presidential election and this idiot anti-American KFLA a or KFAG radio host continues to defend Mother Russia and how much money Scott Horton is receiving from the motherland to bash the Ukrainians and say they have no chance and must accept Russian imperialism is laughable.  And he considers running for

president the Russians could be landing invading Alaska and Canada and this Punk heck clown of a radio host would be pro-Russian and still defending the atrocities and mass murder of Vladimir Putin Scott Horton and his constant gas and fellow propaganda for Russia Lieutenant Norman McGregor deserve each other and they should actually run for President and Vice President in 2024 and do it under the insane party. No one cares nor few purchase the books of this turncoat Benedict Arnold type jackass officer who thankfully was never promoted to General as the US military brass saw what a poisonous treasonous silly fuck Douglass Macgregor as a fuckwad and Scott Horton really thinks having this lieutenant colonel on the ticket will boost his ambitions to become president of the United States and Mr Horton says his first act as president would be to totally disband the military. Scott Horton is a clown and a joke and we tweeted this fuck job he should consider a career change from the voice of Russian propaganda and mouth piece and that he should go into stand up comedy as half of the bull shit and the duck crap that Horton says is hilarious and stupid. 
Scott Horton...a comedic future????

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