First ever Crazy Cougar attack on a wild ass and researchers like Kate Schoenecker are eating it up and spreading horseshit

 Aaron Luther

Animal Stories

    The donkey feral is a jackass often called a burro and these one time valuable pack moving animals were let loose some money ago when the mines closed down and automobile and trucking became available and in rural boondocks backwaters of California the Burro is considered a pest and it populations has expanded and has become a valuable new protein prey for a native predator sometimes known  as the Puma but as we love to call the Crazy Californian cougar.

The first ever Cougar on Donkey jackass prey pictures were caught this Puma's cruelty recently  in death Valley state park and for some time scientist and biologists had known that Mountain Lions were eating feral donkies at times but it has never been documented until now when at 530 am on June 13 a Cougar named LpH9076 killed and ate a unidentified donkie and this donkey was the donkie of the day. The brutal killing of a donkey sass and it being eaten is straight out of the Republican  playbook and the news of cougars killing feral wild ass was welcome news as these jackasses are a watering hole public nuisance and needed t be weeded out. Research form some over-paid men of science and biology observed the watering holes in

Arizona and California and estimated that the holes where human activity was common and the donkies felt more secure less scared of these Lions tended to loiter for five and a half hours whereas other watering oles with no human sounds and activities and many more Mountian California lions the feral donkey;s stayed for half a hour a day. the cougar LpH9076 had to be trekked and killed as scientists wanted to research how it was able to tackle such a strong animal with attitude and for the researchers like Kate Schoenecker who makes a good easy income living at the Fort Collins biological department of wildlife and just sits and watches wild jackasses and wild horses and collects horseshit all day.


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