Aaron Rogers admits he played the past two seasons high on Ayahuasca

    Leo Yost

    The world renown Green Bay Bashers quarterback came out on some unknown little listened to podcast called the and basiclaly said he was higher than a kite all season and the natural drug and psychedelic shit for brain Aaron Rogers was fucked o the past season for each and every game.Aaron Rogers coming out and admitting he is a drug addict is not good news for Wisconsin Packers fans and the idea that the future hall of fame is promoting some Mexican herb drug and making claims of it nutritional and health positive just is not a good image and further evidence that Mr Rogers is not all that aware in his neighborhood. Aaron Rogers ad his brain interview lasted way too long in  two and half hour

Marathon with some Youtube cat named Marcus Aubrey named and Mr Rogers and the host talked of the dangers of the overreaching power of the health industry insisting people must follow their dictates for public heath which is was and still is sinister and the top officials and govenrment leaders making this call will be held accountable eventually.  Aaron Rogers is positioning himself for a podcast career at spotify and web believe he will command a bigger salary than Joe Roman in the near future given his openness and

willingness to discuss mental health and various cactus juice and natural herb drugs he proudly takes and get high like a tall Arizona cactus with a bobcat stuck up high or something. Look for Aaron Rogers sot be a huge internet tlak show podcast programmer once his career ends and he will put clowns lie Pat Mcafee and this Aubrey Marcus in the dust with his own broadcast and he can skip these lame ass middlemen. Mr Rogers got emotional with crocodile tears talking about himself and this interview I reckon is one of the reason Aaron Rogers has like no Super bowl rings perhaps one that he lost or whatever and the man is so distracted by a variety of thoughts and drug juice coming from plants and Mr Rogers should be drugged test not only before every game but every interview and podcast. 

I just hope Aaron doesn't discover meth. It was obvious all season long that Roger Aaron was high on fucking Ayahuzca as he was like always sucking on a lime or lemon type thingie and the man kept wearing his practice jersey on game day and had to be told to get his fucking uniform as it was a real game and without a doubt all of this Ayahuasca sucking is making Aaron packers brain mashed and bashed like a pancake batter.

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