Leonardo McGregor
The massive amount of white genocide since the civil rights era has been covered up and ignored by the media still talking and focusing on Emmitt Till instead of covering the brutality of white victims faced in Black race hate crimes. We here will continue to promote these murders and push for Black guilt and admission of this genocide as they frequently talk both the crimes of the south and white people have been just as much of racial victims and hate crime as Blacks but one would never know it by the critical race theory only talking about the four thousand lynchings over a eighty year periods which most of them occurring against Black rapist and killers like the two we will cover in this post. The embittered activist prosecutor is soon to be removed Florida state attorney Andrew Warren brought up news that the unsolved murder of Linda Lansen and the brutal beating rape murder of Barbara Grams can be pointed thanks to DNA to Black savages Amos Robinson and Aubrey Scott who apparently in the spring and summer of 1983 went on a George Floyd type rampage against white people robbing and raping several and killing two one of which an innocent white man named Robert Duboise was accused and served 38 years in prison before evidence set him free a couple of years ago and these two black gate rape killers were discovered These two animals were already in jail for killing a Latino man named Carlos Orellana abducting and killing him in a apparent robbery and the number of people killed by these two maniacs will never be known and more and more the many unsolved murders in this time period are being lead to Black males in a concentrated crime race hate murder wave that occurred especially following the assignation of Martin Luther King . I actually call these type of murders the Emitt Till killings as the media inflames continued lies and claims of Black victim hood when in fact White people have been the victims of racial premeditated violence in this country. Mr Warren for his part insisted these two Black monster swill face a court reckoning despite already serving a life sentence and these two maniacs will be held accountable in a long trial and their hate race sex crimes exposed to the world as this is another race genocidal crime wave of Black on white murder sprees that continue to this day albeit in must less frequent thanks to more alertness and technology quickly apprehending these anti white predators.
Thankfully these black savages Robinson and Scott have been imprisoned since the fall of 1983 following their murder of Mr and the arrest of these men prevented dozens of more White women from suffering the fate and brutality murders that Linda Lansen and Barbara Grams suffered and black males account for a vast disproportionate of these rape slayings most often committed against women of different races than their own as we have categorized hundreds of new cases a year being solved and caused by them.
Mr Warren likely came out with this announcement to distract form his removal for saying he would refuse to prosecute those who abort babies after the fifteenth week ad basically the evils of Black genocidal targeted rape murders of the sixties to the nineties is really little different than the accepted abortion murders the only difference is being the females were conscious of the terror they were having occurred in the brutal murders of being raped before knowing they would be killed by these racist sex fiends and maniacs like Amos Robinson and Abron Scott. These two black demons and their hate crimes have been exposed and one has to wonder how many unsolved murders of white women without DNA evidence in
1982 or 83 when this rare pair serial killers were predators targeting European American women as men like this have long been brain washed by liberal high society and the sick left media to hate white people and target them when cornering them and the disproportionate amount of interracial murder crimes committed by them is proof of this vindictive and hate culture within the African American populations that often boils into rage and homicidal maniac murders of the likes of these two inmates currently in the Florida prison systems. Amos Robinson in particular is a demon with killer impulses as he has killed two inmates while in jail and why this monster in particular is not given a dirt nap death sentence is particularly egregious and it is men like Amos Robinson why this country even had lynchings in the first place.
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