Douglas Glasgow
The Flea one is a guy named Ron who goes to Flea markets looking for the latest gadgets and products particularly fond of switchblade and other knife type instruments he can go and put in his pocket and be like the early pioneers known as " Long Knives' that dreaded the savage Native Ameriskin societies. Flea Market Ron hates leftist phone scum like Carl from Nashville and recently Flea Market Ron went on the Rock and Bubba show ans torched the latest golfing scumbag that decided t leave the PGA and join the Arabian Gulf monarchs and their new golf system of LIV golf.
Flea market Ron told Bubba that Bubba Watson is a traitor and a dickless wonder joining the lIV golf tournament of Salmie Bin Rushdie Royal Arab monarch and his attempt to undermine Western golf associations and leagues and Bubba Watson is a traitor to his people and sport of Golf. The problem with LIV is it is taking these men who can't compete anymore as the former two time masters champion Bubba Watson and they are leaving the PGA for more money diluting the overall PGA championship
tournaments that would normally have the top 200 or more golfers perform at the same time in these major championships and if a golfer can't finish in the top thirty than in no way should a golfer like Bubba Watson get the fifty million dollars a year the Arabians are paying him in this weird ponzi scheme as somehow the Arab empire and monarch will get half or more of this money back on return .Flea Market Ron says these elite golfers are scum bags and think they deserve a participation award and monetary rewards for their elite status if club swingers and he told Rick and Bubba "screw that shit" about Bubba Watson and other golfers going to Gulf States Of Arabia to play golf in the ahh gulf.

Flea Market Ron whether he would take money from Saudi sharism in order to open up his own chain of flea Markets whcih Ron hesitated and stumbled to answer. Make non mistake the Saudis one day may just start offering rich people int eh West just to take money and convert to their form of Islam and religion and some project that 86% of Americans would jump at this and make the move to Saudi and don the towel of the Saudis on their own fucking head not unlike much Balkan Christians often wore the Red Fez of the dastardly Turk in Ottoman times.
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