Rocket maniac Kim Jung Un ready to mobilize and strike South Korea to start Korean war II

  Carlson Tucker

    The psychopath in North Korea was at it again always threatening and making war gestures telling the world North Korea is ready to start mobilization and will use it nuclear  arsenal is continued to be provoked by the United States and South Korea. The North Korean mad dog dictator was at a ceremony in Pyronyang marking the  1953 armistice anniversary and told the people he forced to attend his speech that North Korea will not be afraid to use nuclear weapons, Kim Jung Un is embolden seeing Russia

success in Ukraine and the rocket man is again shooting rockets into the Seas and threatening the Koreans in Sot Korea as this maniac dictator is going full flung psychopath dictator and even more unstable and crazy as he has been in the past. Kim Jung Un is insane in the membrane and someone like this should not be leading a country of thirty million yet alone being a dog catcher for a county of ten thousand and until leaders like this screwball nutjobber are replaced the world will never be a safe place.Kim Jung Un made his usual nuclear threats and attack against fellow Koreans and his monster dictator is a threat to the planet and all the free people of Asia and he needs to be taken out sooner or later. 

Kim Jung Un is a idiot and one notices how Dennis Rodman is not even hanging with this lunatic who continues to make the region a miasma of danger and intrigue for millions  of people all for the cause of one dynastic maniac family and scumbag leader Kim Jung Un. Mr Jung Un says as he has often said in the past the Korean peninsula is on the verge of Korean War II and it is maniacs like Kim Jung Un who want to bring the region and the world into a constant conflict and mass annihilation and this is a leader and a country who should not be allowed access to nuclear weapons and this man and his program should be stamped out of existence. Kim Jung Nut and his delusional  behavior is getting annoying and this is a man devoid of sentient thoughts or behavior.  

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