Far left-wing news media and Tech websites triggered as Tucker Carlson smashes little liar leprechaun Jon Stewart

  Kevin Rooster

      Tucker Carlson called out a media hack for left wing and health fascist cause ion Jon Stewart and naturally the left used Tucker Carlson's mockery as some sort of attack on him and Mr Carlson was all over the left wing and tech related John  Stewart loving press with all sorts of negative headlines as they were triggered that Tucker Carlson mocked the silly rat hackass that is John Stewart. Mr Carlson wondered whether John Stewart has been and it appears to us that John  Stewart's nest egg is

disappearing thanks to Biden's taxes and inflation and that he needed a new source of funding and this is why this disheveled and unhinged nasty old political ranting propagandist John Stewart aka "scumbag" as come out of the woodwork. The untold millions and millions of dollars the veterans policy lobbying and health care and insurance industries must be paying

this jerk is unknown and must be very high and only this explains why John Stewart is such a expert on veterans health and the effects and this is precisely all that Tucker Carlson was wondering about as he brought it up much to the anger of the leftist extremists always trying to get more money into a really divisive and partisan polticla health industry and establishment that donates 97% of the time to Democratic candidates. John Stewart don't know shit of pits and for Ticker Carlson pointing this obvious fact out and declaring what a polticla hack this sorry ass old shrinking son of a bitch is once again all of the villainous anti-American scumbag new sand tech sites from Newsweek , Daily Beast, Huffington Post,
 The Wrap, Independent UK, Pajiba, Upworthy, Media Matters, Vanity Fair , Yahoo, among others and they were so sad so mad that Carlson would smash this old idiot who thankfully disappeared yet someone must of drugged or digged up to bring about as a mouthpiece for the corrupt money demanding health industry looking to use veterans to get as much as money as possible and to milk like a good cash cow as this is what the health global imperialists are doing since this Covid era embolden by the theft form all governments that they have already committed. 

The leftist in the CDC WHO influenced purchased  media naturally mocked the FoX news host bringing up that he is still angered at John Stewart for a aired incident twenty years ago about his bow tie when in fact regardless of this incident many many many moos ago Tucker Carlson would of hit out as this weasel and his snookering becoming the Jesse Jackson of polticla punditry for hire and John Stewart always has been a pro Democrat Party hack puppet  has no credit ability form people with knowledge or independent polticla thought and he is not above criticism regardless of what left wing lunatic podcsters and Newsweek and the Daily Beast think. John  Stewart is a propagandist asshole who likely went away as he suffered from some disease that a lifetime of drugs likely contributed or he might have had aids for all we know and wanted the privacy of sufferment but clearly John has nit aged well and he looks and still sounds like shit.  Tucker's correct that John Stewart is a demented radical Marxist who abused and used viagra so much unable to perform and has shrunken where no women want to date him anymore despite his fame and wealth and Stewart is desperate for attention unable to concentrate, to

have a program,to drive, and his brain has become butter and popcorn stuffed in a box with a nice ow tie on top and John Stewart needs to recognize he has become the establishment now and he should stay and reconsider retirement and stay in it. Make no mistake that in addition to being a scumbag John Stewart is another little leprechaun and has a very little body structure with a little heard and brain unable to comprehend we can't afford to give veterans all the health care woes their corrupt doctors looking for freebies may claim and John  Stewart is a little leprechaun looking for more new gold at the end of a rainbow because he has blown much of it as a grifter and all the egregious high incomes he made while host of the propaganda program the  Daily show and this is why this silly goose retard libtard has returned from isolation


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