Tim Apple introduces new visual augmented reality smart narcissist mirror as next time big tech gadget

 Clark Kramer 

   Apple is once again bring out a narcissist  product and for years rumor has been going around that Tim Cook and Apple were going to bring the mother of all smart phone gadgetry product and for long time apple devotes the disappointment of this failure of Tim at Apple has tarnished the reputation of this gaywad tech executive. Apple is missing Steve Jobs and people hardcore Apple fanatics wish they can just dig p the nasty old man bog wizard tech overlord but alas thankfully Steve Jobs and his rotting corpse still in hell and not going anywhere else. Tim Apple is in charge now and he and his team at Apple are

soon to bring out the much anticipated VR/AR product ever and it is basically the Apple version of a smart mirror where people can get the most important thing self centered and seen all of the itme on  their selfie screens, Tm Cook is hoping the Apple Smart mirror revolutionizes the AR/VR industry and the Apple becomes a pioneer in anothe direction f the large tech industry, many political insiders thought

that Captain Cook and Apple were looking for a life altering tech product along the lines of a headset to join some metaverse.  Women and Asians and Asian women would be particularly fond of this product and Tom Apple wants to make it possible for older Asian women to bring  about their younger faces onto the smart screen fort them to think and pretend they are sill in their twenties or whatever.
 the whole mirror nonsense remind some back on the day when Lex Luger was in the early days of his career and in the WWF known as the narcissist and he would bring out the weak  beaten wrestling  jobbers over to hos grand view mirror for an even more humiliating experience in front of the crowd and the man was in love with himself and is why he was called the narcissist. Tim Apple wants to bring the human life size of the smart phone onto a mirror like device and he will perfect it and people will be logging 70 pound mirrors just to swipe and do some selfies and the possibilities of the smart mirror are endless in the porn and gaming industries. Tim Cook and apple also think that the Apple glass is still a thing and that somehow people with good vision will want to wear glasses which is absurd and it will never work.
 Tim Apple is working hard to get the Apple Smart mirror the next bog thing and for a 60 something year old steroid and juiced up frizzled Lex old Luger to be able to purchase one of these gadgets and then be able to watch himself in his younger days beat up these bad scrub jobber loser zero wrestlers who never fought back and got thrown around the ring like Salvatore Bravo and others who were a disgrace and they should never have been in a ring with Luger or on television and somehow the audiences accepted

these one-sided matches. Lex Lugar never panned out as the narcissist personality and it was and likely wrecked his one time Hulk Hogan projector wrestling career as the often juiced up steroid injected wrestler had more shots than Anthony Fauci has received in his lifetime and soon Lugers body succumbed to wrinkling mass or raisin skin that looks like he used a razor blade to shave the hairs off his body and balls.

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