Former president Donald Trump comes to Waukesha, Wisconsin for a raucous rally and he bashes the old soul boy ass of Tony Evers

 Noel Parker

    Wisconsin the people here in Wisconsin have perhaps the worst Governor ever imagined and soy boy Tony Evers who has done absolutely nothing to improve the conditions of the people the state of Illinois with this in mind former president Trump came to Waukesha Wisconsin the home of a domestic black power terrorist attack last Christmas that was not covered by the media nor called out the brutal black supremacist attack on a Christmas parade Donald Trump came before a Ruckus rally to support a bunch of candidates and as usual he hit back hard against the crime wave and the criminal Syndicate of the Joe Biden family Network Mr Trump bashed Joe Biden and his son and continues to promote the idea that the election of 2020 was indeed rigged by the powers to be with preference for a Chinese lead

authoritarian world. This idea is not so much out of the ordinary is how else could explain a three-time loser that past Generations humiliated with major losses could suddenly just win in 2020 I don't know where Joe Biden is a career criminal and this is the fact that Mr Trump brought up as his influence in politics has been a disaster for this country Mr Trump also bashed the rotten governor Tony Evers and how these deep States Democrats basically are granted positions and not elected Mr Trump at one of his more spectacular video speeches in a long time any particularly related to Nancy Pelosi and her Reckless trip to Taiwan and almost triggered a third world war with a CCP Chinese who own many fellow Democrats Joe bid is a puppet for China while Nancy Pelosi is a puppet for Taiwan and indirectly the Democrat Party is threatening and always getting this country into positions of War for profit and

destruction Mr Trump repeatedly stated that people need to get out and vote for Republican candidates as a Democrats purposely seem to be in a suicidal charge and wants and destruction of our economy perhaps on orders of the New World Order and international investors who seek bankruptcy and global economic Disorder so they can purchase new assets on the cheap Mr Trump likely is headed for another presidential run to get the four years he was cheated out of 2020 and he continues to go around the country with these huge spectacular rallies something Joe Biden and the Democrats could never do even with their deep spending pockets and availability and Democrats like Lori Lightfoot need to go to huge concerts like Lollapalooza in order to see large crowds and to speak the walls of electoral Justice are closing in on the awful Governor here in Wisconsin named Tony Evers who must be defeated and sent to the retirement that he obviously looks he deserved many many moons ago. Trump endorsed some dude

named Michael who was ride about Evers and he totally laid it to the stinker odd ball  priest looking geezer that is Mr Evers and this goofy fuck Evers needs to go and the state was better off with Scott walker than this jerkie gooey old droolie Tony Evers. Anyone would be better than Evers as no one likes Evers and likely he got elected through election rigging the Democrat are able to accomplish often in this count for local, state, and federal elections.

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