Kyle Kulinski does a video attacking Illinois Governor candidate Darren Bail for pointing out America has slaughtered more babies with abortions than Jews killed in holocaust

    Troy York

   The dipshit propagandist and dumb ass known as Kyle Kulinski did a rare internet take on Illinois Governor candidate and hopefully next Governor of Illinois and Mr Darren Bailey's remarks from some three score and four years ago. It appears the polticla left was triggered and are going to bat for the fat fuck Illinois gangster JB Pritzker who is a top class of 2020 authoritarian Covid fascist and he must be replaced. JB Pritzker is polticla scum who threatened and had people fired for not taking a required vaccine that made people who donate to his campaign billions of dollars. Darren Bailey and his

supporters have their sights on this thirties era gangster fat fuck whose very presence and image is proof in the land of Lincoln actual gangsters have taken over state governments under the guise of the Democratic party. Kyle Kulinski and other covid fascists are concerned for Pigztker and thus a slanderous video against the Republican candidate for Governor was produced as Kyle Kulinski has never mentioned the name Darren Bailey before
 and he is basiclaly going to bat for the Democrats not even knowing much about the candidates because Kyle Kulinski is a left-wing Democratic party hack and he received the memo. Mr Bailey's didn't apologize for his comment as the American abortion holocaust is by far bigger and more painful of a experience and genocide than that of the Jews whcih occurred during life and nation death world war and if anything the Americana abortion genocide is by far more evil a d sinister and thus is something the dipshit lying fuck tards like Kyle Kuliski will never admit it but anyone  who kills their own child compared to a Nazin taking orders from higher up in the German military and who has to do the killings of Jews.

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