Rick and Bubba decries raid into Mr Trumps tower and they predict a civil war

 Diego Franco

    The southern dynamic duo tlak show and media gang Rick and Bubba of the Rick and Bubba radio experience came out lambasting the FBI and their illegal illegitimate raid against  the home of Donald K trump and said it was all political. The amount of lies that Democrats continue to make to vilify this man because he is a patriot and stands up for the rights of the native born as the wicked democratic Party becomes this foreign dependence and supportive political entity favoring immigration and people abroad at the expense of the ones born in the states and the corruption of this agenda is basically what props up this political party with a goal of population displacement and replacement with their politically vetted and secular preference. 

 the raid on Trump's Margo Lago home was the last straw and an alarmed right-wing are talking in this country as the lengths the Democratic party members  are willing to go  fascist and play Venezuelan type Soviet style politics is shocking and appalling and todays Democrat  party has become the Baath party of Egypt and Iraq and the FBI is almost identical and akin to the KGB. Rick and Bubba said that Democratic Party has long been openly supportive of Communism and they want to reshape and recall this country the Soviet States of America
 Rick and Bubba predicted a civil war and says the deep state and the New World Order demand this and know there is much transactional profit gains form such a conflict and scramble for America and Bubba and Rick said the prospects are high the country will see a fracturing and disturbance as repression and destruction of our civil liberties from both the Green Communists and the corporate global state of the Democrat party pushes the country over the edge and a polticla tolerance is no longer accepted as rule of the day and  a resistance to the one party state desires of these segments within the Democratic party are fought and pushed back with violence Rick and Bubba want to form their own country and they like the states that carry their award winning program and they said this should be the new central states of America and they want dibs in government and media  post should this country ever come about for Rick and Bubba.

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