Nancy Pelosi has a deep connection to China and Chinese brothels and again tells Malaysia it is time to change their flag

     Gastron Giroux

    One of the overlooked actions of Nancy Pelosi on her rock star Asian tour was her visit to Malaysia and her meeting with as the two nations share a similar flag and this is something many people have called for years. Nancy Pelosi stood side by side and the world got to see the two flags of America and Malaysian side by side and upon noting the similar looks Miss Pelosi wondered how this has happened a d she suggested to that Malaysia make the change and come up with a new design. Malaysia has

been along time ally of the United States one of many nations that have flocked under old glory to stand up to the growing expansive Chinese empire and threats posed by this Communist country and its Southern cousin North Korea also run by a crazed baseless psychopath in Kim Jung Un. One could say Malaysia along with the Philippines has always been and will remain a part of America and this is why their flags are so similar and Nasty Nancy Pelosi said the Chinese people have  special place in her heart and soul as she recalls in her youth working in Chinese brothels ad being told as a kid if one were to dig a hole in the sand and one will eventually  reach China after so many miles or whatever. Nancy Pelosi has a screw loose or two and she is crazier than a bat with no wings. 
 Nancy Pelosi is a laughing stock who ranks after Angel Merkel and Emanuel Marcon and Justin Trudeau as one of the stupidest leaders in a nation and she is a disgrace who should both consider a career change in stand up comedy or perhaps she should really consider retirement. Nancy also called Chinese premier Jinping Xi a bully and running scared and this is a nightmare of a grand mother if one can ever describe and how people like her and Schumer and McConnell have and retina power is unbelievable.

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