Kansan election shows there is growing death cult acceptance in the land of Oz because of the media and likes of Steve Kornecki

    Runs Like Cougar

   The acceptance of genocide has long been a Americana tradition first starting with the destruction native American culture and since the legalization of Roe Vs Wade a new form of acceptance for genocide has taken place.  The acceptance of mass killing of babies in a mothers womb is a disgusting act far worse than war genocide and conflict which have lead to the vast majority of genocides if nit all in the past The American genocide and termination of  over seventy million human lives not permitted by a complex web of psychotic brain washed mothers and a evil distraught health syndrome always looking to find any ways to maximize their incomes ad profit for their industry is what has lead to this increase in abortion murders. The people of hair color and activists have convinced themselves and demanded of the supreme  court and their political leaders that killing human beings in their trimester of their mother womb s accepted and should never be challenged and recently  this cult of profit death was out for a challenge and given the legal and economic impact the health Nazis needed they clearly likely rigged this election in Kansas one of the

homes of Oz. The fact that a pro death vote and mass murder of babies would be so openly expressed and win in a landslide election is likely proof that at all costs the big money of medical field and the purple haired grimaces activists who get a thrill kill from abortions has lead to the victory and acceptance in the land of Oz for the continued legal right of the mass genocidal murder of babies which is utterly shameful and disgusting. One of these corrupt evil wicked witches of the Kansas Oz was Lindsay Vaughn who

celebrated with the corrupt media and stated this is a great day in the land of Oz as government and the health fascists can proceed to terminate pregnancies and find invaluable wealth through this procedure in anther sickening display of pro death ad pro murder love of the Democratic party ad their cult of death ad torture. Perhaps no more media personality was more elated than the scumbag Steve Kornecki who came out on the hate channel MSNBC and made threats and told Kansas voters that not voting for abortion was similar to lighting a match stick around their communities and the state capital and the state would be under siege by left-wing fanatic and extremists for all of eternity.

 his vote shows the ignorance, lazy,fear, and also likely death acceptance and thinking abortion is just another form of birth control for women instead of the brutal murder on par with the crimes of Mao Tse Tung's foot soldiers, and German prison guards and this evil I reckon is one of the principles reason the country from coast to coast to Fly by and to Oz cointry is in a major decline and fall and easily being open up for invasion and cultural takeover no different than want to feather jack wearing Natives of Mexico faced under the extreme past similar death cults of the Catholic  church and the Spaniards and the media manipulation form the likes of this cornball Steve Kornecki is likely one of the chief causes and principles  of this acceptance of a national death cult and right for women.

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