Racist Brandy X Lee comes on undemocratic socialist Ralph Nader's show and lies and shits on former president Trump and she is a CHiense agent

    Patrick Jennings

   Some psychopath left-wing psychiatric lunatic best describes Brandy X Lee who has come out many tine sin the past and continues to attack former president Trump. It is leftest communist scum like this woman appearing on propaganda and anti-capitalist ventures and speaking podcasts such as Ralph Nader's program that keeps throwing mud and attempting to demean and besmirch Mr Trump. Brandy X Le is a disciple of both Moa Tse Tung and Malcolm X and the ability of this academic from the university of Colombia

The dangerous  mentally unstable and unhinged Green Communist and eco-anarchist Ralph Nader

  and this woman and her propaganda was so bad she was actually fired from the university of Yale one time. This woman lies and spreads misinformation constantly attacking the former resident because his trad policies no longer ave a huge trade advantage to Mother China and without a doubt this professor and psychopathic psychiatrist  is actually the one who needs a psychiatrist to treat her and her Trump

derange syndrome. This woman is a pravda propagandist for pay for the CCP and she is attacking rm Trump because of the trade deals the past corrupt Democratic politicians have long enabled and been able to use giving them the economic power and rise and funding that they can now use to build up their military and threaten their neighbors. Brandy X Le continues to make mental claims against Mr Trump because she wants to attach her name and brand and serve her overlord Winnie the pooh monster dictator Jinping Xi and nothing this Chinese agent disgraced professor says Trump should have any rain on rice.

This woman and the other 37 psychiatrists  who access the mental condition making claims that Mr Trump is dangerous and unfit for office clearly are Democrats and the fear of this party and the over-paid bureaucrats and communist scum like Brandy X Lee are what us making this country divisive and unstable and this mentally unhinged itch was let go by Yale University because of her obsessive lying and voice on politics and some would say obvious pro Chinese partisanship and Communists like Brandy X Lee need to be vetted out of academia and we have contacted Colombia University to get rid f this commie delusional bitch.  is the clear goal of the propagandists of the political left like Ralph Nader who has made a living for fifty years attacking capitalism with his lies from within,
 Brandy X Lee is a Chinese agent who specializes in pro Chinese propaganda am d on orders form her pay master Jinping Xi and to stop the more difficult and costly Trump tariffs the Chinese bring out agents like thus crazed academic psychiatrist who calls Trump a narcissist and sociopath. If anyone has a mental disease it is this Ivy League elite who is arrogant ,uninformative , and a wicked witch form Colombia University. This woman suffers form Trump derange syndrome and she is a global slut and a  piece of shit and a very dangerous women who should not be practicing psychiatry  and medicine as she poses a danger to her patients and is more interested in serving lies for her beloved china  and their propaganda war against America.
The political propagandist Chinese CCP academic plant and agent Brandy X Lee

 Ralph Nader meanwhile is a Marxist and political extremist and a hack for the Green new deal and he is delusional and old a failed presidential wanabee. Nader is a old hopefully dying scumbag  power hungry snake and anything that slithers out of his mouth should never be taken serious . Naturally these two Communists and anti American bastards think Donald Trump should be indicted for the great awakening and danger to globalism that he represents as the global socialist order is extremely hateful of Mr Trump and his supporters and they have their pondscum partisan liars like fascist  Ralph Nader and this Chinese CCP psychiatrist writing hit pieces and smears against the best president in our lifetime an d since Teddy Roosevelt.

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