Ali Muhammad
Ahmad Abdul has found the American dream and after seeing him highlighted in a recent Chicago Tribune piece of him devoted to female rights and wanting more than one wife we had to hire this guy regardless of the experience he may or may not have, Ahmed's English is impeccable and the man worked for year servings US interest sin his native Stan land of Afghaniland and he was able to escape the rise of the Taliban that the lunatic Joe Biden Brandon mother fucker allowed to over run that resource rich country and essentially give it to china and Russia.
Ahmad is working on his Green card and is working to sponser many more Afghani to follow him especially women and he quickly as reported in the paper got a job at the Muslim Women Resource Center and he is working tenaciously to bring in more of his fellow Afghani refuges with a drema of opening up these Afghanistani restaurants and banana stands selling fresh imported bananas and banan split ice cream shops or whatever.

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