SE Cupp has degenerated into a troll and ugly one Praises Bozo Biden for calling opponents semi-fascist

     Cody Maloney

   SE Cupp is this horrible aging and quickly ugly woman who writes the news column and comes with such a partisan swing and attack against Republicans it is laughable SE Cupp insists she's a conservative but you know I actuality her continued attack against Republicans is proof that the opposite is true Essie cup wrote a column and made some headlines of various websites when she came out and support of Joe Biden's semi-fascist speech in her Kong Republicans semi-fascist Essie cup herself the seeks to improve her name brand and spread Democrat Party talking points in order to get television appearances in all

reality no one cares what I see cup says and she writes horrible political columns that make little sense inner extremely bias and a bitch  like this is exactly what is wrong with American Media the lies misinformation and partisan Behavior of most if not all of our news media shows that the Democratic party pretty much is in power of news media and they select the scum like SE Cup who get to write news columns and make the television talking points for the Democratic party SE Cup does nothing but attack Republicans she is not Authority or expert on politics and most of what she writes does so with the

rubber stamp of a Democrat Party SC couple used to be a good looking woman but as she ages and gets older and uglier she is degenerated into this fascist columnist any colonists who comes out and support of a president who caused his opponents fascist obviously is a fascist and nothing this aging uglifying disgusting news columnist says should be ever taken with a grain of salt or of any respect as a cup is a scumbag and a half and adds nothing to the political discussion except the more degeneracy that she already has spread in the past. If anything or anyone is a fascist or semi-fascias it is this son of a botch Democratic dog illegitimate president whom scum like Se Cupp worked tiredly in the media to support in the 2020 election and other activists stole the election with intense voting irregularities and tallying collecting likely monetary based and paying people to mail in votes or give it to them
 Se Cupp  came put of support of Joe Biden and called him " courageous' and she is a sycophant for Joe Biden likely having gone to bed with him ten to fifteen years ago when he wasn't as nasty and old and since then she remains loyal to this old dog form Delaware to this day as a ex lover of him. Se Cupp has degenerated to this on-line and media troll for the Democratic party and again she somehow projects herself as this conservative when in fact she is likely the furthest thing form the truth. Se Cupp gives her self organisms with her ability to get on media leftest channels and spread the continual propaganda for the extreme left

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