Wally Jackson
'The arrogance of Black women today on society can have total negative consequences from various sources and two of the main ones we say for the degradation degeneration of black women and their violent thug behavior is the network MSNBC and black female rap music. Black women attacking men and white people on the street sis being seen all over the country and finally the police in New York arrested fro July the third teen scumbag racist who cowardly attacked a 57 year old white female for no reason. The third suspect had been hiding out in a crack house like the crack whore she is and police announced the third teen named Jahnaiya Williams was finally resolved as police burst through the crack house she was a smoking in and she actually had this Black demon Joy Reid on her television at the time.
The cocky sick disturbing attitude seen from black women are form these gangster Black bimbo rappers that predominate eon Black music formats in addition to the racial hate rhetoric from MSNBC and two of their dishonest annalists. Tiffany Cross and Joy Reid are avowed Black supremacists and they continue
to push Black supremacy that leads to attacks on random white people like this crime in July where this fifty seven year old white woman was nearly killed because of the color of her skin. Joy Reid and scum Tiffany Cross are fully responsible for the violence on the streets and these random unprovoked
attacks on Asians and White people by these deranged urban sisters and filth that litter our cities and the hate fueled motivation from these two annalists are more reasoning for more pressure to be leveled against this race network that does nothing but dabble in spreading black supremacy and hate for financial gain and MSNBC should be called out for this trash. The amount of hate against " Karens" and white women in general this monster Joy Reid has pushed has culminated in various murders seen this week targeting white women in Memphis and the cancer of Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross needs to be dealt with by this network and boycotts to get these two rejects off the air
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