Noel Parker
The on-line perverse political left keeps pushing the idea that African Americans are racial victims in this country when the opposite is a truth and in the case of Elisa Fletcher we have once again a black man attacking a white woman in a race hate crime that involved rape and was motivated by rape. Cleopha Abston-Henderson has been arrested and the body of Lisa Fletcher has been found and again we stress to people living in cities with large populations of blacks do not jog it for in the morning this murder was unnecessary and the granddaughter of a billionaire Ms Fletcher was brutally beaten and murdered in another typical post civil rights black anger crime and a crime of Emmett Till proportion they will never be reported as much. We already have the left-wing Global media is ignoring these anti-whitism murders and these criminals like Cleothoa Abston who through
our failed Justice policies criminal justice policies had kidnapped someone 20 years ago and as soon as this monster was released he went on the streets to prey on Caucasian women. History is filled with these black demons who pray and attack White women based in part primarily because they see some racial retribution and this monster should be charged with federal hate crimes in addition to the murder charges and all black leaders need to condemn this crime and all sorts of anti-white feelings and hatred that makes a large portion of their population. Lets call what these black on white race rape murders are and they are lynchings even more heinous than the claims against Black men as the vast majority of lynchings that occurred on the South were done on animals murderers like Cleotha Abston who committed these same crimes back in the South following the end of slavery. Tucker Carlson brought up how Memphis was once a great City and the Monsters like Cleopha were heavily restricted in their
movement and without this many of these race rape crimes would have occurred and have occurred since the 1960s the epic proportion in danger the Americans face in this country by the likes of Cleotha Abston cannot be underestimated and understated and perhaps if at least a Fletcher knew the dangers of certain populations and how crime from these populations are out of control she would have wisely chose not to John John 4 in the morning without many people Memphis is a shit hole filled with criminals like Abston-Henderson these dangerous times the people in Memphis need to be on the guard because the hate that is being perpetuated by the likes of media monsters like Joy Reid and MSNBC can only add fuel to the deranged sinister sick minds that likely played a part of this killer Cleo Henderson-Absoton. This is yet another
black on white hate crime and further evidence that it is white people and not blacks who have been and always are the victims of racial violence in this country as the political left lies. Lets call what this attack and brutal heinous murder of a mother of two is and this is racial terror that the black and their media an crazed personalities like Joy Reid encourage and Joy Reid is a scumbag has said nothing of this lynching of Eliza Fletcher and likely she condones it by the rhetoric of hate and record that Joy Reid has for white people. Abston committed this crime in part because of people in the media like Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross and no one ever finds a reverse story of a white males killing black women and that is because deep in the hearts and the truth we know who is filled with extreme racism hate. This is another Emitt Till revenge hate killing as we often report on this blog.
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