Clark Kramer
The MMA world is filled with these insane in the membrane loose canons and scum and this filth is what billionaire Dana White has built him empire from essentially having criminals fight and he markets these caged violence. Shovkhal Churchaev appeared on the Rating Brothers Podcast form hell based i Moscow and the deranged and delusional Chechen fighter lost his marbles and exploded like a Israeli missile blasted into the occupied territories. I have watched the video over and over and searched
over and over and have not yet found any translation of it as the entire video is ion Russia and I can;t explain what is essentially being said but throughout the internet Scary Shokvul or whatever seemed to be arguing and getting into close discussion with his Iranian opponent and Muslim in this part of the world are nit exactly choir boys and the Neanderthal homo erotica experiences of these bearded dragons is bet left to closed doors. This is not the first erratic of this violent Ruskie , Chinaman or Central Asianstan or whatever and he is going to be faced with severe charges as this but pulled a gun ion another MMA fighter ad what was to be a future opponent Mohammad Hebati. Churchaev needs true god and not the demon devil he likely praises and worships and he needs to find a good church to settle down as this maniac violent animal nearly
killed this Mohammedan from Iran and now his MMA UFC future is in doubt and it is not surprising that Joe Roman has said anything or done a video of this incident as the UFC commentator wasn't nothing to smear the beloved sick depraved blood sport that has benefited him so much though the years despite being a knucklehead and a unfunny comedian failed fighter himself,

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