Domnick D'Souza
Thirty seven economist signed third approval of a Chilean Constitution that would have addressed the budget and constitution based on the climate lie in fear migraine that has gone on by the global world order. Two of the economists who signed this degree in support were South Korea's had to chain who is a committed Marxist globalist and teaches at camp teaches or brainwashes at Cambridge University and the French Economist Thomas Piketty the author of the book "Capital"and both of these globalist economists have been waging war on capitalism for a long time a 35 other world-renowned economists signed on to their approval of a draft of a constitution that would upended Chili's economy and changed the constitution of the South American country thankfully this Constitution and the voters rejected this take over of the cointry by the globalists by over 65% of the voters rightfully saw that the internationalist and the
academics such as these two fools the South Korea's had you changed and France's Tomas Piketty of trying to tell other countries and people how their government should be run in Constitution read to promote their craze Green ideology sustainable communist movements, climate change lies, economic and the Chilean people saw to it that these arrogant pompous academics do not have sway or tell them how to
run their own country naturally the political left in other academics accused right-wing elements of promoting fake news and meddling into this fault but the fact is the people of Chile do not want Outsiders and globalist and economic fools talking about sustainability and how'd you change and Thomas Piketty need to mind their own business and not be such committed Marxist globalist who seek to undermine the will and populist movements within countries that move in the direction that they do not agree with. of the movement of the people. The voters of Chile have spoken and they don't want
internationals leftists and global new orderists like these two sorry bastard propagandist economists and trolls Ha Chang Joon and Tom Pikketty and other leftist economists telling them what they need to have written in their constitution and the voters told these fuckers and their gender equality attempt s to piss off mate as the English would say.
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