Crazed Saskatchewan redskins wanted red ketchup and killed a bunch of people

    Ed West

   When I first heard the news that some mass stabbing in the cold tundra rural backwards of Canada and its sassy Saskatchewan area I knew it had to be wild Indians as Indians still exist and account for a major disproportionate amount of violent crime to  our neighbors North and sure enough ...hey there..these two guys tended to be Mexican looking Canadian Indians who mass stabbed like 20 people to death at fifteen locations and this was anothe typical Western old school scalping and more of the usual Indian on Indian crime. The trolls and history revisionists blame the White man and Canada and American frontiersmen for the genocide

perpetuated against the Redskin but in all reality these people were killing each other for generations well before the advance of the White man. Any little thing could trigger these people and in Iroquois country and the West including the province Saskatchewan there were always numerous massacres of redskin and Indians and often for trivial things whether there was enough ketchup in a diner or

whatever. Brother Damien an Myles Sanderson despite those names and appearances were not White men and these Indians slaughters supposedly other crazy Cree Indians and this modern day massacre was like most massacres in American and Canadian history that being perpetuated upon the Indians by other redskin Indians and the history liars and false narrative academics know this. The rural areas of Cree nations and other indigenous populations of North American remain the most dangerous third world place imaginable and nothing was said of this culture of scalping and murderous rampage and death much like historians ignore this same Indian lifestyle form hundreds of years ago whose massacres and wanton death were the real cause of land displacement and war upon these people. Little reason was given for the motivation of why these now dead brothers killed these people and I reckon this is because they don't want Saskatchewan Indian slook bad or whatever. Ya Hey dere.

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