The ghost of Morton Downey Jr calls for defeat of Gretchen Whitmer

 Bert Berg

   Gretchen Whitmer is a monster who needs to go. This was the story of Morton Downey Junior as he spoke to Ouija Board radio the other night one can join and hook up with a Ouiji board and a simple on-line search who to call out and at what time  and all the classic dead hosts have their own new programming and double speak from the afterlife. For some Morton Downey Junior was the king of political talk and action committee well before Rush Limbaugh hit the airwaves and Dr Morton Downy Junior was a crooner and singer well before he got a doctoral of psychology and polticla science never able

to get a academia job due to hos politics and never got the ac credentials of being a professor and being able to change the brains from the washing of these left-wing psychopaths running our academic post secondary institution in this country. Doc Downey says the people of Michigan need to converge behind this witches opponent and they need to back Tudor Nixon in the battle against the medical authoritarianism and the corrupt politician than enabled a full repression against individual liberty and rights by these democrat and the media complexes. 

 Morton Downey Junior went on a rant about the need to get rid of these class of 2020 covid dictators and perhaps no was worse than this evil bitch in Michigan  known as and Gretchen Whitmer hopes will be stopped as this woman has done everything in her power and abuse of a government position  to restrict our liberties and make no mistake this woman is a CCP plant and puppet that must be resisted and fought back. Tudor Nixon is the choice for Michigan and although dead Morton Downey Junior told the thousands of people following him on Ouija board radio that he will be working and rooting for Tudor to dethrone this crazed dick sucker Gretchen Whitmer. Both women look similar and this may confuse 50% of the voters who may not even know who is who and may be the reason Gretchen passes through. 

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