Brain Brain
Worms continue to reside and interfere in Jimmy Dore's brain and we hear at the left shark blog enjoy his program and podcast and ask him to please seek mental hep for his brain. jimmy Dore is once again delusional on a international subject he knows little about and the tlak of Libya was another topic of this silly jackass as another nut who think Libya's Muhmanar Khadaffi was anything but h e mas killing tyrant that he was and how these crazies continue to support Libya's Gaddafi so long after his death is unbelievable .
Muhammar Gaadaffi or Qaddafi or something wanted a united African with their own currency according to this dipshit revisionist but what actually was happening in Libya was pure tyranny and Khafddafi had plans of a empire in Africa from Chad to throughout the Sahara as this maniac was
just as a mass killer and tyrant as Saddam Hussein. Tyrannical despotic Muslim leaders and mass killer sis something Jimmy Dore seems to admire and wish to see rule along with the Russian dictator and again Jimmy Dore's brain cells has busted and he doesn't have a fucking clue. The Libyan people came and rose in a massive revolt and this is why the razed killer Khaddafi was finally displaced and if anything the West kept this monster in power for as ling as it could as ling as he supplied Europe with a heavy gas
at subsidized cost and it was Khaddafi's own colonial racist dream of controlling surrounding African states that caused his downfall. Jimmy Dore has had his megaphone too much to his head and clearly it has affected his brain and Jimmy needs a home confinement in a hospital with a White straight jacket. This dipshit podcaster is clearly insane in the membrane

reckon to place Jimmy into a insane asylum . Jimmy Dore is clearly insane in the membrane Another dumb this Jimmy Dumb says is criticizing the leader of the Eastern Libyan nation in Khalifa Haftar and Jimmy mocked him as another Hitler as Dore is ignorant on the plight of the Berbers and their desire to be free from Tripoli and Dore's recent take of the uptick of violence and fighting in Libya as over thirty militia men were killed last Saturday in the worse fighting seen in Libya's civil war in two year shocked and appalled this Chicago based podcaster who continues to lie and blame Hillary Clinton and the United States for the civil war as dipshit Dore ignores the role of Russian and their numerous mercenary seventh nation army in this country including the despicable Wagner group who should be charged with war crimes as the storm troopers they are and naturally Jimmy Dore didn't make any mention of the huge Russian involvement in Libya and their attmeot to take over the energy reserves a large chunk of Syria as well and Jimmy Door doesn't say nothing about this because he is a sycophant for Vladimir Putin and wormed in his head. The Albert Einstein Mr Dore said Libya is headed towards a civil war and he predicted one after clashes in Tripoli this past weekend saw bloodshed and he called for Russia and the Arab League to step in and disarm the militias and demand an end of American mercenary and CIA involvement in this conflict. Libya is in their fourth or fifth civil war and as like the others we fully support for America resident and warlord Khalifs Hafter and the people attempting to free themselves form the EU globalist puppet in power who much like Joe Biden and Marcon are illegitimate presidents who didn't win their last elections and are pre-installed politicians much like Windows on may a bad computers.
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