Diego Franco
The Greek gamers are gamer YouTube channel whole sneakers and Mistakos went off on the recent threats of Turkish dictator Racist Ape Erdogon who once again has threatened Greece and is threatening war. The madman dog from Turkey who is a Islamist is triggered that's grease is militarizing certain Islands near their borders due to these threats and the mental instability of this Mad Dog dictator Erdogan Recep also threatened grease thing that he can come in the middle of the night and that Greeks need to look at their history and how they lost certain regions that are now part of turkey despite being the majority of the population and he seemed to be taunting the Greek people the are gamers eviscerated
Recep of Erdogan and said this undemocratic is socialist Islamist is it danger to the region and he should be replaced immediately Nikos and his podcast partner Mistakos are ready to be called put their joysticks down and grab the M 60s and are prepared to fight for their country against their Perpetual Turkish enemies and the evil Church Turks racist Erdogan also is angered that the Greek air force keeps locking in on Turkish flights over the Aegean and the Greeks have accused the Turks of flying more than what is necessary over their borders and this has been a source of friction and tension as well the problem is racist tape Erdogan is a dog and he is one of the most brutal tyrant of the modern era and even the vast majority of the Turkish people do not
want this son of a dog to be still leader and representing them as president of the Turkish Republic Race of Oregon Trail has pretty much erased all the Democrat institutions in Turkey and his power base Alliance is to the Demons of terrorism of the Islamic world and thus turkey is a failed state run by unstable dangerous man and the Greeks need to be prepared for the day will come again very soon where they will be fighting the Turks as traditionally the 20s always sees warfare between these two Nations

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