Mark Steyn appears on David Clarke Milwaukee podcast and says athletes are dropping like maggots on shit in Canada Europe because of the vaccines

   Arnold Armstrong

    Former Rush Limbaugh fill in and long time troll to the left writer and extraordinaire talker Mark Steyn is back across the pond doing his usual great working getting the left all riled up and making a mockery of the undemocratic socialist since that meddle and seek to destroy other countries with their affairs and policies that are usually  self destructive. Mark Steyn came on the David Clarke former Milwaukee  policeman and on his podcast gave his recent diatribes of the healthy  young athletes throughout primarily Europe who are dropping like 200 pound starving elephants, Steyn brought up some mountain bike racer

named Rob Wardell died suddenly after winning a key race that the corporate sponsors bring about like thee is any and some interest in cycling which there isn't . In addition some tattoo chrome dome iggy tattoo head dragon named Jodie Lunn who also died suddenly and Steyn is wondering why all of these healthy young people who compete in Iron athletic events are drooping. He suggested to former sheriff

Clarke that indeed these draconian measures to force those to take medical experimental injections re playing a role and a investigation into all of  these deaths and sudden unexplained deaths of the jabbed should be investigated and we have maintained the evil sick pharmaceutical industry is in cahoots to help reduce the population of the world as this as been a committed goal of the new Green deal for a very long time though out this country. 
 The deaths of these two famous bikers fork unexplained issues is further proof of the dangers of constant injection as these corporate race sponsors  enforce brutally that each participant must be jabbed and for competition  and for both Lunn and Wardell this likely proved to be fatal and both are biking no more and participating in boring corporate wasteful spending on their sport hobby

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