Bernardo Romano
The lost in Space Tok Tik clock episode with this weird Marlin alien character named Chrous like many Lost in Space episodes that predicted something to come and the prediction of Tik Tok was one of the correctly picked that one day people would lose tape and time and have their lives cut in lost space predicted inn his lost in Space classic television series from the sixties that was way better than Star trek. The Merlin episode was about this jag fag that Will Robinson culled in and as a result of losing time he
punished the Robinsons and Dr Smith bringing them back to his den and holding them accountable for the lost unpaid time he demanded to collect and held them as ransom and then D Smith somehow was able to get back to Earth on the day the Robinsons departed from Earth. Aside form the cheesy cheap props that were a common method of television and production this program got interesting stories of space often with historical past events or peoples of Earth like pasts and elements of Western and Viking medieval themes were all over part of this unoriginal story lines that in many ways had litle to do with exploring the possibles of alien life. Tik Tok now days is this weird Chinese site and social media where the worse aspects of America
youth culture is promoted and spread while in mother China academics and smartness brain twisters are encouraged and the Chinese use it to earn and there is no drug use or dancing as the sick American version has it and uses against his country. Tik Tok was warned about back then and the Tome merchant episode Chronos says there is no way to make up for this lost time and the same could be said for the basement dwelling video game addicts and those who spends much time of Tok Tik and other social media horseshit. Chronus and Dr Smith were crazier than shit and there should of been a spin off
just form this program and its a dam shame Chronus and his time obsession didn't get more chances as a television character and villein from this era. Dr Smith and Chronos made several mentions of Tik Tok making one thin they knew abut what was conning and the absurdity and stupidity everything on Tik Tok is and how these narcissists show off their cooking skills.pets, and dance routines thinking people should actually care and tlak of it This episode was highlighted when the bubble headed booby went back into time and back in 1997 which I remember fondly and he got Dr Smith to board the Jupiter 2 and he struck several MPs with his brute Metallica strength using it to get Dr Smith and force him back on board so the whole process of Jupiter @ being lost again would occur and that the Robinsons would not otherwise would of crashed onto Mars and die or whatever.
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