Jim Oberweight
John Fetterman is a lying unstable and unhealthy candidate and a poor role model for this country that already suffers a pandemic of obesity and over indulging on food and sugar drinks. The man is so sick and unhealthy he can't even campaign and is now refusing to be seen in public following the examples of his leader and follower Joe Biden. Sean Hannity called out the bullshit from this horse manure eating socialist scumbag in Pennsylvania who pretends he is a hard working blue collar common man when in fact this Grimace looking McDonald freak and ass from the drug mafia warlords live doff hos fucking parents onto his mid fifties while a career mayor of this town of two thousand
primarily Black people and something called Braddock. The creep got himself elected lieutenant Governor as basiclaly people don't ever really pay attention to this position in state wide races and the visualization of an actual bar bouncer and make no mistake this man would govern as a buccaneer and be a puppet to foreign energy interests that seek to limit the productions of American energy production in order to help their crazed Green ideology and their energy business. John Fetterman is a bald meat head troll and a meme himself and this man is on the verge of living perpetually in a casket as because instead of mocking Dr Wilmont Oz and his crude and healthy eating of vegetables and being price conscious this fat ass ate milkshakes and cheese burgers for breakfast, lunch , and dinner and now he is feeling the dilweed or whatever and he can't debate or tlak to the public or take any of the tough media conversation a sitting US senator must and should be able. Fox News and the likes of Sean Hannity are the only ones calling out this Uncle fester Grimace looking thing who looks like he is a second stroke from meeting his undermaker and undertaker.

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