Archie Bannister
The geriatric dribble brain nothing but trouble monster in the White house who is a despicable boob and the boo didn't get eighty million votes was in Milwaukee campaigning for jackass Tony Evers who ranks as the most boring and ineffective Governor of modern times. Joe Biden and Tony Evers are typical of the pondscum running and ruling the Democratic Party as they are both trolls and wizards if deceit and both of these men look as if they will be old dead and at the gates of hell in a few years time as they will atone for the overt political crimes against humanity.
Joe Biden was at this organized Union rally and for Joe Brandon actually having a positive rally can only be done with the is and political force if unions and libshit cities like our own Milwaukee and somehow the Brandon dark one managed a live public crowd as the local Democrats found it necessary to get this dark bird-brained nothing but trouble old skunk out in public and talking again.
Joe Brandon is a nothing but trouble scumbag often repeated and forever repeated in this blog onto the day a Cougar die and basically this mans rise was predicted in the Chevy Chase movie of name as a character looking and just acting like Joe Biden was portrayed and without a doubt the handlers and team of Bozo Biden are using this as their political planning.
Fuck Joe Brandon was the call in Milwaukee by this heckler
Sleepy Joe Brandon is a dark scumbag individual whom the globalists who prefer the power of China to rule everything would organize and put into power and the resistance to this maniac and his continued mental free fall needs to be done and prevention of this country moving onto a authoritarian despotic shot hole that this evil old overlord for the Global world order must be always to over come the tyranny that they promise and Old Joe caught o glimpse of this in his lunatic ranting and erratic speech in Milwaukee this week. Fuck Joe Brandon
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