Selim Basssoul wants you to keep your teenagers at home and make Six Flags more diverse wants to add the United Nations Flag

   Phillip Epps

 One has to worry both the future of entertainment and ride Six Flags as in the past few years many executives including past company executives have noticed a alarming trend that doesn't bode well for the future of the theme park. Six Flags has become a haven for the unruly mob and teenagers as for years parents have purchased  a season pass and basically just drop off their rugrats and used their park for a baby sitter pose and for new incoming CEO Selim Basssoul he doesn't want these bastards running it for others anymore. Saelim is a globalist like no other and he seeks a New World Order for six Flags and is thinking about adding a seventh flag which I will explain later but I digress. Selim the magnificent has raised prices which has drawn the ire of many and he explained he wants the ghetto and Wal-Mart crowds and a more upscale crowd to predominate and the roller coaster stock prices of Six

Flags always makes this a risky investment. For too long the theme park placated to the cosplay and antics of younger people and the company and them park will not survive if it is to degenerate into a summer school hangout an d Selim is desperate to get this park rolling for a more family friendly and adult crowd and if this doesn't occur you can pretty much kiss out any future of Six Flags when Selim is pondering a move to adding a seventh flag that is sure to draw even more or as much anger as the

ticket prices, but I digress. Selim Bassosul knows that Six flags has lost its soul and it is becoming a place of mall rats and the large indoor North American mall declined as it did for exactly the same reason as it became dominated with teens whether they be in  or city malls and violence was the direct result that lead to so many people avoiding the place and many malls sit empty half full and devoid of life. Selim took untold criticism for telling people the days of Seven Flags being used as a super max pricey day care for tweens and teens are over and there is a new game plan and sheriff in town and he is determined to crush to rowdy Pipers if the common stereotypical theme park customer base.

Naturally  many Reditters and those who prefer the teen dominance of space  of this company had an issue as they did when Selim unveiled the seventh UN flag that will now join the six flags of Texas, Spain, France, Mexico, United States, and the former short lived Confederacy that ruled over Texas and Selim reprimanded and reminded investors and Reddit trolls that the United Nations and global order now rule Texas and he unveiled a new flag that will fly and from hence forth now six Flags has become Seven flags theme park. Whole Selim the ham sandwich admitted the flag is lane and boring in addition to being creepy and a cringy reminder if infringements of the erasure of all nations sovereignty  people at this theme park will just have to get use to it and deal with it. While Selim called out the United Nations flag as racist and that it should be changed he plans on helping organize a change of this global flag to a more appropriate one that will represent all peoples of the world and whenever this flag is changed it will fly over Seven Flags theme park but for now the original gangster UN flag will fly with the other six and perhaps be joined by a eight flag of Saudi Arabia or something.

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