Dmitri Diamond
The cringe worry that you feeling a CNN has been a worrisome fact and now they have added two trolls together who will last forever Daniel Dale and Jim Acosta are doing a program together and this is like Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the amount of misinformation lies and smears that these two left wing trolls will do in our midterm political season can only be imagined Daniel Dale is a fact checker actor who uses fake data from the Democrat Party and nothing he has ever said should be taken with a grain of salt nor seriously as perhaps to the Trump induction Jim Acosta wants former president Trump arrested and this would be the crowning point and achievement of his career as it costs I would likely take a lot of the credentials for this former president Trump will not be arrested despite the possibility claims of
Daniel Dale and Jim Acosta as these two will spread misinformation lies and hope for more convictions and investigations into the dealings of the classifying material that supposedly Mr Trump took nowhere do these two idiot savants will even say that the taking of classified material has been done by all presidents and without a doubt Mr
Trump was trying to cover his back a privacy through taking these materials Andy continued lies that somehow he in the Furious plan and was going to use sale for nuclear weapons shows the delusion and derangeness of the Trump disease that many on the political left have not been cured Jim Acosta and Daniel Dale are two CNN hosts who have this Trump to range syndrome
and they need serious help and work from a professional Doctor who can help cure or fight back against this political disease Jim Acosta's brain is popcorn this man is rumored to be the next that the new owners of CNN will fire is this man does nothing but spread political division and lies and he is
not a reporter but a Democratic party activist likewise Daniel Dale provides facts only provided by the Democratic National Committee that purportedly show the position and political gain from the
Democrat Party Daniel Dale in addition is a nerd should not be on television and has said nothing of worthy value for the three or four years this geek fucker has been on CNN through the years 🤔 . Look forward to seeing this Chinese owned global network CNN putting these turkeys and their intake nauseating propaganda more on their network in this dumb tag team media team form hell. Acosta and Dale will have their own late night programming perhaps a late night comedy show duo team that will be lamer than the Smother brothers. . Daniel Dale and Jim Acosta are gay and deserve one another.
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