Frank Banks II
The gangster regime of JB Pritizker faces serious test whether he likes it or thinks his money and payment to the likes of FiveThirtycom Nate Silver scumbag who keeps saying the race of Illinois Governor is over because he is paid to pretend a race is going a certain way. It appear s the pig JB Pritzker went off with the usual Democratic leftists calling card of " racism" against his Republican opponent as the pig gangster Governor of Illinois is worried and getting desperate. Mr Bailey campaign mailed mass flyers of a Republican newspapers reporting these abuses and lies of JB Pritzker and his plan for bail reform and soft criminal approaches that would release all sorts of rotten sick individuals in our prison systems as the Demorats and their filthy scum lik JB Pritzker politicians want to release
and get more votes in the future from these beholden criminals , Shaun Thompson of 560 am dial in Chicago often attacks sick leftist Democrats in power in the Land of Lincoln and elsewhere as political scum like JB Pritzker are corrupt neurotic to the bone no doubt about it. JB Pritzker and his cries of racism because Daren Bailey had a newspaper that reported correctly this fat gangster scumbag criminal governor is indeed planning on releasing as many Black dangerous criminals as he can and thus fat rat billionaire bastard is just mad that there is opposition and announcement of this maniacs
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Shaun Thompson doing his daily rants and blasts of Democratic rat bastard filthy commie scum Lori Lightfoot and JB Hogizker |
nefarious evil plan to increase crime and endanger peoples lives JB Pritzker is such a fat bastardly psychopath and a hypocrite angered at these newspapers that Republicans are mailing to peoples homes that doesn't bow kow the same Democratic bias news of the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times and that
Pritzker is a racist himself invoking race in just about every racial discussion as a good political cover up for the extreme crime committed by the blacks in Chicago and because this news paper prints the name of black criminals about to be released from this evil fat mobster Governor this isn't a form of racism as this pig projects . Pritzker is a pig and a half and says the Republicans are placating to racism because ahhhh they report the crime and figures that are true and factual and given the increased brutal
murders ,death, and destruction whether this fat pig likes it or not people have a right to be scared and I tell people all of the time to arm yourself the government is run by people like Pritzker and they are pro-criminal. I reckon that one of the main reasons the Democrats have established one party state control is the power they and their money have had in consolidating all of the press and basiclaly making it function as pro Democratic party media in their monopoly of news paper and local television. JB Pritzker is triggered because these alternative news papers exist and before
consolidation back on the thirties when gangsters like him couldn't be Governor there were hundreds of newspapers projecting different beleifs not afraid to print suspect pictures because of their race and so forth and Pritzker again as we assert is a thirties era gangster criminal syndicate that somehow got so much billions through his family criminal syndicate he basically purchased Chicago votes to get elected Governor of this great state unfortunately with shitty leaders like Dickhead Durbin, Tammy Duckfuck and JB Pigtzker.
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