Bradly Austin
The former Vox writer and fake " independent journalist' Aaron Ruper is no Aaron Rogers and Rupee is a lousy leftist and a half. The horrible contributor to fine propagandist left Communist sites like the Daily Beast among others and this scumbag communist and professional troll Aaron Ruper was suspended for doxxing Elon Musk and endangering this man to his leftist base where Musk travels and ight patterns

Aaron Ruper is a troll and a piece of shit the man should never have been allowed back on Twitter nor should the Trump administration loved this guy press access. Aaron Ruper contributes absolutely nada to politics or journalism and this is because this habitual liar is neither but a Pravda propagandist for the extremist leftists within the Green party Democratic Party and continue to hijack this once great pro-American political movement. Aaron Ruper is a liar and a fountain of misinformation as Gorilla Monsoon would say in WWF broadcasts and this guy thinks he is smarter and knows more than most people including

Elon Musk who humiliated the awful media lame social media propagandist. Aaron Ruper figures the only why he can get more positive news and more power than a Elon Musk is to become powerful himself and Aaron Ruper is seeking to run for president hinting at this during a recent speech to his college matter and Mr Rupar is indeed likely to run for president . We figure this stoopid will get maybe 213 votes as in each election cycle what most people don't realize there are like 56 or so actual presidential candidates who run for president and get on the ticket.

Aaron Troll is a joke and a dipshit and the respect liberal progressives give this guy is both stunning and appalling as this idiot is nothing but an open Pravda propagandist who continually uses his huge social media and purchased bot Twitter accounts to troll and work for the Democratic party, Mr Ruper is typical of many activists pretend journalists who are nothing but shills and hacks and this fact will one day likely be major news annalist on CNN?/CCP network or might be co host with the Adam Kinzinger clown former congressman from Indiana.
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