Jimmy Dore and guest Nick Cruse spanks the shit out of California Chinese CCP politician plant Ted Lieu

    Earl "Bam Bam ' Cunningham

    Chinese politician Ted Lieu is among the most dirty and rotten of the libtard propagandist politician out there and it is politicians like California radical Ted Lie that are the problem in this country. The Internets Jimmy Dore spanked the shot out of Ted Lieu'sass along with his guest named and they called doubt the lies and medical misinformation and lies of Covid that Ted

Lieu has been spreading. This man is a hack for the CDC and we say a plant form the CCP Chinese government as they plant this communist and he is not even trying to hide his disdain for this country and our freedoms. Nick Cruse and Jimmy Dore eviscerated the politician and professional liar Ted Lieu and the man is a Covid fascist he is still spreading medical misinformation. Both Ted Cruse and Jimmy Dore agreed Ted Lieu is the dumbest US congressman and possibly a plat by the authoritarian Orange face dictator form Ted Lieu's home country

of China. Dore played numerous tweets through the Covid years that were medical misinformation and Ted Lieu has been a source of misinformation and ally for the restrictions of the CDC tough the use of

Covid.  Nick Cruse says Ted Lieu is already a psychotic unhinged crazed politician that is against free speech and for censorship and he often comes on corrupt global media and makes his case against free speech all while spreading  medical misinformation and lies about the risks to kids of not having  vaccine. ted Lie is in addition to being a scumbag a fascist and he poses a danger to our freedoms and

rights as this man would upend and destroy our constitution if he ever got the chance. The evisceration of this lying Ted Bundy type politician Ted Lieu was awesome and he remains one of our most vilified politicians on this blog as this man is crazy, unpatriotic, and seeks ways to use the polticla system to undermine our freedoms and rights.

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