Chris Christie comes on ABC criticizes Krystal Sinema and says Joe Manchin will never be a Republican

   Woody Underwood

    Krispy Kreme Chris Christie is a big fat media whore always getting his fat ass in front of mainstream corporate media to talk about other individuals in the polticla world Christie is a man of little integrity gossip spreader a fat dude who used his time as governor of New Jersey to attend 150 Bruce Springsteen concerts on tax payer dime and this little big slime is still involved and rewarded by the likes of ABC  as he is allowed to give his opinion despite long being out of office.

The Krispy Kreme donuts eating goof fuck was at it again as he appeared on ABC and spoke shit on Trump Sinema and other people including West Virginia bad ass Joe Manchin. Chris Christie called Manchin will never be allowed to be a Republican and who or what gives this fat meathead the authority to make

such a statement. Whether Christie likes it or not many don't consider his fat ass as a Republican and conservative and Joe Manchin is more of a Republican than Christie can ever dream of and Chris needs to start his own donut business and do whatever get the fuck out of politics . Chris Christie is one of the stupidest men in politics whose ego is as big as his girth and I reckon this is why this silly fat jackass keeps promoting himself as president as no one wants this fat clown as leader and he is a disgraced failed former New Jersey Governor who could never get elected in his own state yet alone should be meddling in Arizona and West Virginia political conflicts.
 Chris Christie is a fat dumb meat head knows little on politics in state like West Virginia and Arizona and Manchin is tough as nails as former lead singer of the Country Band Good Old Boys he is every bit as Republican and regardless what the media says

Manchin and Sinema have alot of more support than the fake polling of the shit lying media like CBS, and ABC polling and annalists would have you to believe. Chris Chrsitie is this heavy donut eating food addict who needs to see Dr Now and Dr Oz to settle his heart and weight issues and Christie is a pig and a half no one wants to see his fat ass on ABC and I wonder if Christie pays the network to appear and bash the people he don't like such as Mr Trump and so forth. 
 Chris Christie is a narcissist sick over-bloated and selfish individual who wasted government tax payer money to eat millions of donuts and see hundreds of free Bruce Springsteen concerts stalking and following the New Jersey native rocker whom Christie was addicted and often fantasized about being as Christie ling wanted to be a rock star but his stomach was too big and he was not even talented to be a Opera singer Paverotti and this sleazeball is on ABC tyoo much and he adds absolutely nada with his girth and this is a man hos mother should of aborted and not given birth. 

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