The Run Down life jags call NFL rigged after two consecutive prime time games come down to last seconds

     Dave Berkson

   Milwaukee Run Down Live jag fags are this pirate indced radio show that runs out of 5 watts out of Kristan Harris basement or mothers basement. The Run down Live talk trash about the police, ugly UN agenda 21 architecture, and how sports are rigged and the past week saw two orime time games come to the final seconds Kristan Harris and Mike Paczaesny cannot believe how many last pass second NFL games and wonder if the coaches and referees plan this as Lord Tom Brady came back and won a final minute game against the New Orleans Saints and Brady went nuts at the referees very triggered and proud of himself for yet another come form back to win. Then not even for days later Baker Mayfield comes on a Monday Night prime time game and takes over 

Paczesesny and Harris say the entire process is rigged and these games disproportionately come down to the final seconds even more than fucking basketball ad football is a different type of sport that should not be falling down to the last seconds as often as it does and it is ironic all of these late night prime time games comes down as these networks are determined to get the biggest bang for their advertising bucks and the league and the networks demand close games . 
Kristan Harris and MIke Paczesny blasted the league and what the game has become as it is painfully rigged as referees and coaches manipulate the calls and push forward for close games often coming to the end in close contests in the leagues desperate attempts to sell to the advertisers that so many people are watching towards the end and will just and stare at the commercials which many don't and look at their phones or do something else during commercial breaks . No one is watching commercials or paying any attention
. Baker Mayfield lead some comeback against the Oakland Raiders and again this was another prime time come from behind miracle and the story lines the Natonal Football league as scripted before games and it is becoming more apparent every season . The Run down jag fags have in fact talked about this going problem and possibility of the NFL and these tow games further provided evidence of this suggestion.


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