Coyode Pederson puts his hand in a box of Yellow Jackets and discovers getting stung a numerous times will hort

    Jake Glass

Animal Stories

   The famed Youtuber outdoor animal etymologist Coyode Pderson is at it again with a slew of videos as the Indian Jones wannabee is back like a jack. Coyode Pdeerson went out ad decided t get stung again as being injected by flying i sects is the CDC health obsession of Mr Pederson who is a big proponent of health through these insect and snake injections. Coyode Pederson decided to do a video with him putting his hand in a glass box with hundred sand hundreds of yellow Jacket hornets

ad Mr Pederson got stung again. Coyode was reeling in pain and after seconds had to end his yellow jacket injections as the painful welts and blisters Mr Pederson received was horrifying and the pain poor Coyode Pederson received was apparent in this video and he was reeling in pain from a few seconds of his hand in this glass box. 😳 Coyode Pederson does is insane and his ego is so huge as he spends hundreds f dollars on his expensive wildlife hat and he likes to get himself clicks on these egregious painful

torture he does for the amusement and interest of others on-line.

Coyode is a stud and a half tougher than nails and wants to prove to the world that humans can take any of the God given toxic and power these little flying demon beasts can inflict on mammalian and nothing beats a Pederson YouTube video where he causes intense pain for himself and it is a addiction for the Coyote one. 🙁Why Coyode Pederson

continues to torture himself and how much money ha makes from this activity can only be surmised and without a doubt he is more worthy of the millions and millions of dollars for his painful incursions in the world of entertainment and deserving more of money that the sports athletes and the Joe Rogans and Howard Sterns of the media.

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