Chris Chappell welcomes and celebrates the death ofJiang Zemin and bashes the lack of coverage of Chinese protests and government repression

    Lee Park Kong

   China Uncensored Chris Chappel celebrated the news the master mid behind getting China out of isolation and into the western capital world  as ninety nine year old Jiang Zemin is dead. This Chinaman former leader of this evil CCP nation was the dude with the pie face often alongside Bill Clinton though the years as the Clintoncrats helped get China in the WTO and allowed the process of transferring massive wealth not

only both to China but to the Gulf Arab states ad we see the position and wealth redistribution of the global economy that propelled Jiang Zemin and eventually giving the World

Cup to Qatar and giving the world Jinping Xi Orange man dictator of China. Chapell says that the Western business leader and consumer obsessed with cheaper prices addiction to purchase help build up China and he predicted Jiang  Zemin would be in the gates of hell as the repression and authoritarianism if the Chinese and various minorities in China was unmatched in their history aside from Mao ZeDung holio himself.

 Chris Chappel of China Uncensored admonished the American media of CBS, ABC CNN (CCP) and the race network MSNBC for essentially not covering and protecting their CCP Chinese government to overlords and funders from any justified criticism of their draconian Covid zero polices where they are brutalizing people attempting to make them prisoners in their own homes and Chappell played a video of the

brutality of Chinese authorities in Guanngzhao beating and and sexually tying up two young women ion their early twenties who dared to venture out to get some milk and one of them didn't have a mask as the win d blew it away and the draconian polices of China were initiated by this nasty demonic dinosaurs Jiang Zemin who is fucking deader than a door knob and where he is right now one will not have to worry about wearing a mask in hell.


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