Globalist Sicilians,Italians. or Lebanese expose kids to Belly Dancers and exposes kids to sexual expression

    Chester Gallagher


     For all of the tlak of kids being exposed to drag Queens and story time reading by transvestites and knitting with cross dressers other various left-wing brainwashing by schools and public libraries little attention has been drawn to the immigrant community  and the Swahabis exposing their kids to sexualized belly dancing. Belly dancing is a historic venerable activity on the Mediterranean .Pakiland,  India North African Jewish Arab lands and stans and now kids are being exposed to this sexualized ritualistic sickness. This same exposure of serial casual sexualization and perversion to kids though exposure of belly dancers to kids his not receiving the same amount of publicity as the drag Queens and a recent video of a kid being

exposed and touching his little boner in what looks like a Italian wedding party or whatever is not even making rounds as it should or is this topic of introducing  children to the female sexual form that there people  with fucked up funny names fork Paki-land Indiastan and the Mediterranean Italian fascist globalist world. Belly dancing is a perverse dirty  licentious cultural trait

and having kids around this shit is utterly as reprehensible as men in womens clothing promoting transvestism and whoever the parents were of this boy being forced to have a early organism should be tracked and the child removed from their home.There are sick fucks a sseen in this Tok Tok video who get gratification for showing young boys belly dancers and these actiosn are just as twisted and nefarious as any drag Queen story time and this needs to be called out which is exactly what I am doing with this post . 

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